Articles with public access mandates - GIANLUCA STEFANILearn more
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The valorisation of wheat production through locally-based bread chains: Experiences from Tuscany
G Sacchi, G Belletti, M Biancalani, GV Lombardi, G Stefani
Journal of Rural Studies 71, 23-35, 2019
Mandates: Government of Italy
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A multi-actor literature review on alternative and sustainable food systems for the promotion of cereal biodiversity
G Sacchi, L Cei, G Stefani, GV Lombardi, B Rocchi, G Belletti, S Padel, ...
Agriculture 8 (11), 173, 2018
Mandates: European Commission
Health and nutrition studies related to cereal biodiversity: A participatory multi-actor literature review approach
F Sofi, M Dinu, G Pagliai, L Cei, G Sacchi, S Benedettelli, G Stefani, ...
Nutrients 10 (9), 1207, 2018
Mandates: European Commission
Piloting a meta-database of agroecological transitions: an example from sustainable cereal food systems
G Stefani, G Nocella, G Sacchi
Agriculture 10 (6), 219, 2020
Mandates: European Commission
Un diplomatico a Vienna: mecenati, musici e artisti nella corrispondenza di Giuseppe Riva (1729-1737)
G Stefani
Patrons, Intermediaries, Venetian Artists in Vienna & Imperial Domains (1650 …, 2022
Mandates: Slovenian Research Agency
Changing Identities over Commons during the Process of Agricultural Industrialization: The Case of Galician (NW Spain) since 1960
DS Fernández
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, Government of Spain
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