alireza davari
alireza davari
Associate Professor. Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
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Cited by
An improved FCS–MPC algorithm for an induction motor with an imposed optimized weighting factor
SA Davari, DA Khaburi, R Kennel
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 27 (3), 1540-1551, 2011
Latest advances of model predictive control in electrical drives—Part I: Basic concepts and advanced strategies
J Rodriguez, C Garcia, A Mora, F Flores-Bahamonde, P Acuna, M Novak, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (4), 3927-3942, 2021
Latest advances of model predictive control in electrical drives—Part II: Applications and benchmarking with classical control methods
J Rodriguez, C Garcia, A Mora, SA Davari, J Rodas, DF Valencia, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (5), 5047-5061, 2021
Using full order and reduced order observers for robust sensorless predictive torque control of induction motors
SA Davari, DA Khaburi, F Wang, RM Kennel
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 27 (7), 3424-3433, 2011
Parallel predictive torque control for induction machines without weighting factors
F Wang, H Xie, Q Chen, SA Davari, J Rodríguez, R Kennel
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (2), 1779-1788, 2019
Finite control set model predictive torque control of induction machine with a robust adaptive observer
F Wang, SA Davari, Z Chen, Z Zhang, DA Khaburi, J Rodríguez, R Kennel
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (4), 2631-2641, 2016
An encoderless predictive torque control for an induction machine with a revised prediction model and EFOSMO
F Wang, Z Zhang, SA Davari, R Fotouhi, DA Khaburi, J Rodríguez, ...
IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (12), 6635-6644, 2014
Online weighting factor optimization by simplified simulated annealing for finite set predictive control
SA Davari, V Nekoukar, C Garcia, J Rodriguez
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (1), 31-40, 2020
Sensorless predictive control of AFE rectifier with robust adaptive inductance estimation
M Mehreganfar, MH Saeedinia, SA Davari, C Garcia, J Rodriguez
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (6), 3420-3431, 2018
Robust deadbeat control of an induction motor by stable MRAS speed and stator estimation
SA Davari, F Wang, RM Kennel
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (1), 200-209, 2017
Integral sliding mode observer-based ultralocal model for finite-set model predictive current control of induction motor
MS Mousavi, SA Davari, V Nekoukar, C Garcia, J Rodriguez
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 10 (3 …, 2021
A robust torque and flux prediction model by a modified disturbance rejection method for finite-set model-predictive control of induction motor
MS Mousavi, SA Davari, V Nekoukar, C Garcia, J Rodriguez
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (8), 9322-9333, 2021
Predictive torque control of induction motor based on a robust integral sliding mode observer
MS Mousavi, SA Davari, V Nekoukar, C Garcia, L He, F Wang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (3), 2339-2350, 2022
Even-handed sequential predictive torque and flux control
SA Davari, M Norambuena, V Nekoukar, C Garcia, J Rodriguez
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (9), 7334-7342, 2019
Predictive direct angle control of induction motor
SA Davari
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (8), 5276-5284, 2016
Robust loss minimization for predictive direct torque and flux control of an induction motor with electrical circuit model
SR Eftekhari, SA Davari, P Naderi, C Garcia, J Rodriguez
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (5), 5417-5426, 2019
Using a weighting factor table for FCS-MPC of induction motors with extended prediction horizon
SA Davari, DA Khaburi, R Kennel
IECON 2012-38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2012
A modified closed-loop voltage model observer based on adaptive direct flux magnitude estimation in sensorless predictive direct voltage control of an induction motor
A Aliaskari, B Zarei, SA Davari, F Wang, RM Kennel
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (1), 630-639, 2019
An experimental assessment of finite-state Predictive Torque Control for electrical drives by considering different online-optimization methods
F Wang, Z Zhang, A Davari, J Rodríguez, R Kennel
Control Engineering Practice 31, 1-8, 2014
Sensorless simplified finite control set model predictive control of SynRM using finite position set algorithm
B Nikmaram, SA Davari, P Naderi, C Garcia, J Rodriguez
IEEE Access 9, 47184-47193, 2021
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Articles 1–20