Huanhao Li
Huanhao Li
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Cited by
Wavefront shaping: a versatile tool to conquer multiple scattering in multidisciplinary fields
Z Yu, H Li, T Zhong, JH Park, S Cheng, CM Woo, Q Zhao, J Yao, Y Zhou, ...
The Innovation 3 (5), 2022
Focusing light through scattering media by reinforced hybrid algorithms
Y Luo, S Yan, H Li, P Lai, Y Zheng
APL photonics 5 (1), 2020
Adaptive optical focusing through perturbed scattering media with a dynamic mutation algorithm
H Li, CM Woo, T Zhong, Z Yu, Y Luo, Y Zheng, X Yang, H Hui, P Lai
Photonics Research 9 (2), 202-212, 2021
Wavefront shaping and its application to enhance photoacoustic imaging
Z Yu, H Li, P Lai
Applied Sciences 7 (12), 1320, 2017
Photoacoustic imaging in oxygen detection
F Cao, Z Qiu, H Li, P Lai
Applied Sciences 7 (12), 1262, 2017
Artificial intelligence-assisted light control and computational imaging through scattering media
S Cheng, H Li, Y Luo, Y Zheng, P Lai
Journal of innovative optical health sciences 12 (04), 1930006, 2019
Optimal efficiency of focusing diffused light through scattering media with iterative wavefront shaping
CM Woo, Q Zhao, T Zhong, H Li, Z Yu, P Lai
APL photonics 7 (4), 2022
High-resolution photoacoustic microscopy with deep penetration through learning
S Cheng, Y Zhou, J Chen, H Li, L Wang, P Lai
Photoacoustics 25, 100314, 2022
Towards smart optical focusing: deep learning-empowered dynamic wavefront shaping through nonstationary scattering media
Y Luo, S Yan, H Li, P Lai, Y Zheng
Photonics Research 9 (8), B262-B278, 2021
Implementation of digital optical phase conjugation with embedded calibration and phase rectification
Z Yu, M Xia, H Li, T Zhong, F Zhao, H Deng, Z Li, D Li, D Wang, P Lai
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1537, 2019
Dynamic mutation enhanced particle swarm optimization for optical wavefront shaping
CM Woo, H Li, Q Zhao, P Lai
Optics express 29 (12), 18420-18426, 2021
Edge enhancement through scattering media enabled by optical wavefront shaping
Z Li, Z Yu, H Hui, H Li, T Zhong, H Liu, P Lai
Photonics Research 8 (6), 954-962, 2020
Parameter-free optimization algorithm for iterative wavefront shaping
Q Zhao, CM Woo, H Li, T Zhong, Z Yu, P Lai
Optics letters 46 (12), 2880-2883, 2021
Speckle‐based optical cryptosystem and its application for human face recognition via deep learning
Q Zhao, H Li, Z Yu, CM Woo, T Zhong, S Cheng, Y Zheng, H Liu, J Tian, ...
Advanced Science 9 (25), 2202407, 2022
Photoacoustic imaging of microenvironmental changes in facial cupping therapy
Y Zhou, F Cao, H Li, X Huang, D Wei, L Wang, P Lai
Biomedical optics express 11 (5), 2394-2401, 2020
High-security learning-based optical encryption assisted by disordered metasurface
Z Yu, H Li, W Zhao, PS Huang, YT Lin, J Yao, W Li, Q Zhao, PC Wu, B Li, ...
Nature communications 15 (1), 2607, 2024
Interferometry-free noncontact photoacoustic detection method based on speckle correlation change
H Li, F Cao, Y Zhou, Z Yu, P Lai
Optics letters 44 (22), 5481-5484, 2019
Learning-based super-resolution interpolation for sub-Nyquist sampled laser speckles
H Li, Z Yu, Q Zhao, Y Luo, S Cheng, T Zhong, CM Woo, H Liu, LV Wang, ...
Photonics Research 11 (4), 631-642, 2023
Optically selective neuron stimulation with a wavefront shaping‐empowered multimode fiber
T Zhong, Z Qiu, Y Wu, J Guo, H Li, Z Yu, S Cheng, Y Zhou, J Zhu, J Tian, ...
Advanced Photonics Research 3 (3), 2100231, 2022
Active wavefront shaping for controlling and improving multimode fiber sensor
T Zhong, Z Yu, H Li, Z Li, H Li, P Lai
Journal of innovative optical health sciences 12 (04), 1942007, 2019
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