Jonas Schoelynck
Jonas Schoelynck
Professor Aquatic Ecology University of Antwerp
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Silica uptake in aquatic and wetland macrophytes: a strategic choice between silica, lignin and cellulose?
J Schoelynck, K Bal, H Backx, T Okruszko, P Meire, E Struyf
New Phytologist 186 (2), 385-391, 2010
Flow interaction with dynamic vegetation patches: Implications for biogeomorphic evolution of a tidal landscape
W Vandenbruwaene, S Temmerman, TJ Bouma, PC Klaassen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 116 (F1), 2011
Self‐organised patchiness and scale‐dependent bio‐geomorphic feedbacks in aquatic river vegetation
J Schoelynck, T De Groote, K Bal, W Vandenbruwaene, P Meire, ...
Ecography 35 (8), 760-768, 2012
The future of freshwater macrophytes in a changing world: dissolved organic carbon quantity and quality and its interactions with macrophytes
RE Reitsema, P Meire, J Schoelynck
Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 629, 2018
Impact of vegetation die‐off on spatial flow patterns over a tidal marsh
S Temmerman, P Moonen, J Schoelynck, G Govers, TJ Bouma
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (3), 2012
Enhanced Weathering and related element fluxes–a cropland mesocosm approach
T Amann, J Hartmann, E Struyf, W de Oliveira Garcia, EK Fischer, ...
Biogeosciences 17 (1), 103-119, 2020
Effects of Wind Waves versus Ship Waves on Tidal Marsh Plants: A Flume Study on Different Life Stages of Scirpus maritimus
A Silinski, M Heuner, J Schoelynck, S Puijalon, U Schröder, E Fuchs, ...
PloS one 10 (3), e0118687, 2015
Trade‐off between drag reduction and light interception of macrophytes: comparing five aquatic plants with contrasting morphology
KD Bal, TJ Bouma, K Buis, E Struyf, S Jonas, H Backx, P Meire
Functional Ecology 25 (6), 1197-1205, 2011
Coping with waves: Plasticity in tidal marsh plants as self‐adapting coastal ecosystem engineers
A Silinski, K Schoutens, S Puijalon, J Schoelynck, D Luyckx, P Troch, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 63 (2), 799-815, 2018
Economic valuation of ecosystem services, a case study for aquatic vegetation removal in the Nete catchment (Belgium)
A Boerema, J Schoelynck, K Bal, D Vrebos, S Jacobs, J Staes, P Meire
Ecosystem Services 7, 46-56, 2014
Silicon in aquatic vegetation
J Schoelynck, E Struyf
Functional Ecology 30 (8), 1323-1330, 2016
Ecosystem engineering by plants on wave-exposed intertidal flats is governed by relationships between effect and response traits
M Heuner, A Silinski, J Schoelynck, TJ Bouma, S Puijalon, P Troch, ...
Plos one 10 (9), e0138086, 2015
Effects of macrophytes on ecosystem metabolism and net nutrient uptake in a groundwater fed lowland river
S Preiner, Y Dai, M Pucher, RE Reitsema, J Schoelynck, P Meire, T Hein
Science of the Total Environment 721, 137620, 2020
Resistance and reconfiguration of natural flexible submerged vegetation in hydrodynamic river modelling
V Verschoren, D Meire, J Schoelynck, K Buis, KD Bal, P Troch, P Meire, ...
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 16, 245-265, 2016
Silicon–vegetation interaction in multiple ecosystems: a review
J Schoelynck, F Müller, F Vandevenne, K Bal, L Barão, A Smis, ...
Journal of vegetation science 25 (1), 301-313, 2014
The role of macrophyte structural complexity and water flow velocity in determining the epiphytic macroinvertebrate community composition in a lowland stream
JW Wolters, RCM Verdonschot, J Schoelynck, PFM Verdonschot, P Meire
Hydrobiologia 806, 157-173, 2018
Submerged macrophytes avoiding a negative feedback in reaction to hydrodynamic stress
J Schoelynck, D Meire, K Bal, K Buis, P Troch, T Bouma, P Meire, ...
Limnologica 43 (5), 371-380, 2013
Macrophyte‐specific effects on epiphyton quality and quantity and resulting effects on grazing macroinvertebrates
JW Wolters, RE Reitsema, RCM Verdonschot, J Schoelynck, ...
Freshwater Biology 64 (6), 1131-1142, 2019
Tracing silicon cycling in the Okavango Delta, a sub-tropical flood-pulse wetland using silicon isotopes
PJ Frings, C De La Rocha, E Struyf, D van Pelt, J Schoelynck, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 142, 132-148, 2014
On the move: New insights on the ecology and management of native and alien macrophytes
D Hofstra, J Schoelynck, J Ferrell, J Coetzee, M de Winton, TO Bickel, ...
Aquatic Botany 162, 103190, 2020
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Articles 1–20