Hélène Bea
Hélène Bea
Spintec, University Grenoble Alpes
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Spintronics with multiferroics
H Béa, M Gajek, M Bibes, A Barthélémy
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (43), 434221, 2008
Influence of parasitic phases on the properties of BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films
H Béa, M Bibes, A Barthélémy, K Bouzehouane, E Jacquet, A Khodan, ...
Applied Physics Letters 87 (7), 2005
Evidence for room-temperature multiferroicity in a compound with a giant axial ratio
H Béa, B Dupé, S Fusil, R Mattana, E Jacquet, B Warot-Fonrose, ...
Physical review letters 102 (21), 217603, 2009
Fractal Dimension and Size Scaling of Domains in Thin Films of Multiferroic
G Catalan, H Béa, S Fusil, M Bibes, P Paruch, A Barthélémy, JF Scott
Physical review letters 100 (2), 027602, 2008
Mechanisms of Exchange Bias with Multiferroic Epitaxial Thin Films
H Béa, M Bibes, F Ott, B Dupé, XH Zhu, S Petit, S Fusil, C Deranlot, ...
Physical review letters 100 (1), 017204, 2008
Structural distortion and magnetism of BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films: A Raman spectroscopy and neutron diffraction study
H Béa, M Bibes, S Petit, J Kreisel, A Barthélémy
Philosophical Magazine Letters 87 (3-4), 165-174, 2007
Investigation on the origin of the magnetic moment of thin films by advanced x-ray characterizations
H Béa, M Bibes, S Fusil, K Bouzehouane, E Jacquet, K Rode, P Bencok, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (2), 020101, 2006
The skyrmion switch: turning magnetic skyrmion bubbles on and off with an electric field
M Schott, A Bernand-Mantel, L Ranno, S Pizzini, J Vogel, H Béa, ...
Nano letters 17 (5), 3006-3012, 2017
Large-voltage tuning of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interactions: A route toward dynamic control of skyrmion chirality
T Srivastava, M Schott, R Juge, V Krizakova, M Belmeguenai, ...
Nano letters 18 (8), 4871-4877, 2018
Tunnel magnetoresistance and robust room temperature exchange bias with multiferroic BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films
H Béa, M Bibes, S Cherifi, F Nolting, B Warot-Fonrose, S Fusil, G Herranz, ...
Applied Physics Letters 89 (24), 2006
Creation of magnetic skyrmion bubble lattices by ultrafast laser in ultrathin films
SG Je, P Vallobra, T Srivastava, JC Rojas-Sánchez, TH Pham, M Hehn, ...
Nano letters 18 (11), 7362-7371, 2018
Combining half-metals and multiferroics into epitaxial heterostructures for spintronics
H Béa, M Bibes, M Sirena, G Herranz, K Bouzehouane, E Jacquet, S Fusil, ...
Applied physics letters 88 (6), 2006
Irradiation-induced Ag nanocluster nucleation in silicate glasses: Analogy with photography
R Espiau de Lamaestre, H Béa, H Bernas, J Belloni, JL Marignier
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (20), 205431, 2007
Ferroelectricity down to at least 2 nm in multiferroic BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films
H Béa, S Fusil, K Bouzehouane, M Bibes, M Sirena, G Herranz, E Jacquet, ...
Japanese journal of applied physics 45 (2L), L187, 2006
A way forward along domain walls
H Béa, P Paruch
Nature materials 8 (3), 168-169, 2009
Penetration depth and absorption mechanisms of spin currents in Ir20Mn80 and Fe50Mn50 polycrystalline films by ferromagnetic resonance and spin pumping
P Merodio, A Ghosh, C Lemonias, E Gautier, U Ebels, M Chshiev, H Béa, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (3), 2014
Thickness-dependent structural and electrical properties of multiferroic Mn-doped BiFeO3 thin films grown epitaxially by pulsed laser deposition
XH Zhu, H Béa, M Bibes, S Fusil, K Bouzehouane, E Jacquet, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (8), 2008
Crystallographic, magnetic, and ferroelectric structures of bulklike BiFeO3 thin films
H Béa, M Bibes, XH Zhu, S Fusil, K Bouzehouane, S Petit, J Kreisel, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (7), 2008
Skyrmion Brownian circuit implemented in continuous ferromagnetic thin film
Y Jibiki, M Goto, E Tamura, J Cho, S Miki, R Ishikawa, H Nomura, ...
Applied Physics Letters 117 (8), 2020
Exchange coupling with the multiferroic compound in antiferromagnetic multidomain films and single-domain crystals
D Lebeugle, A Mougin, M Viret, D Colson, J Allibe, H Béa, E Jacquet, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (13), 134411, 2010
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Articles 1–20