Dimitar Trajanov
Dimitar Trajanov
Prof.@ Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje & Visiting Research Prof.@ Boston University, US
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Cited by
Evaluation of sentiment analysis in finance: from lexicons to transformers
K Mishev, A Gjorgjevikj, I Vodenska, LT Chitkushev, D Trajanov
IEEE access 8, 131662-131682, 2020
Enhancing knowledge graph construction using large language models
M Trajanoska, R Stojanov, D Trajanov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.04676, 2023
ISO-Standardized Smart City Platform Architecture and Dashboard
V Zdraveski, K Mishev, D Trajanov, L Kocarev
IEEE Pervasive Computing 16 (2), 35-43, 2017
Ethically responsible machine learning in fintech
M Rizinski, H Peshov, K Mishev, LT Chitkushev, I Vodenska, D Trajanov
IEEE Access 10, 97531-97554, 2022
Consolidating drug data on a global scale using linked data
M Jovanovik, D Trajanov
Journal of biomedical semantics 8, 1-24, 2017
Ad hoc networks connection availability modeling
D Trajanov, S Filiposka, M Efnuseva, A Grnarov
Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Performance evaluation …, 2004
Terrain-aware three-dimensional radio-propagation model extension for NS-2
S Filiposka, D Trajanov
Simulation 87 (1-2), 7, 2011
Parallel computation of information gain using hadoop and mapreduce
E Zdravevski, P Lameski, A Kulakov, S Filiposka, D Trajanov, ...
2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2015
Feature ranking based on information gain for large classification problems with mapreduce
E Zdravevski, P Lameski, A Kulakov, B Jakimovski, S Filiposka, ...
2015 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA 2, 186-191, 2015
Open Data Portal based on Semantic Web Technologies
M Kostovski, M Jovanovik, D Trajanov
7th South East European Doctoral Student Conference, 2012
Inferring cuisine-drug interactions using the linked data approach
M Jovanovik, A Bogojeska, D Trajanov, L Kocarev
Scientific reports 5 (1), 9346, 2015
Forecasting Corporate Revenue by Using Deep-Learning Methodologies
K Mishev, A Gjorgjevikj, I Vodenska, L Chitkushev, W Souma, D Trajanov
2019 International Conference on Control, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics …, 2019
Performance Evaluation of Word and Sentence Embeddings for Finance Headlines Sentiment Analysis
K Mishev, A Gjorgjevikj, R Stojanov, I Mishkovski, I Vodenska, ...
International Conference on ICT Innovations, 161-172, 2019
Semantic sky: a platform for cloud service integration based on semantic web technologies
D Trajanov, R Stojanov, M Jovanovik, V Zdraveski, P Ristoski, M Georgiev, ...
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 109-116, 2012
Pharmke: Knowledge extraction platform for pharmaceutical texts using transfer learning
N Jofche, K Mishev, R Stojanov, M Jovanovik, E Zdravevski, D Trajanov
Computers 12 (1), 17, 2023
Missing value imputation in food composition data with denoising autoencoders
I Gjorshoska, T Eftimov, D Trajanov
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 112, 104638, 2022
Predicting companies stock price direction by using sentiment analysis of news articles
L Dodevska, V Petreski, K Mishev, A Gjorgjevikj, I Vodenska, ...
15th Annual International CSECS Conference on Computer Science and …, 2019
Dark Data in Internet of Things (IoT): Challenges and Opportunities
D Trajanov, V Zdraveski, R Stojanov, L Kocarev
7th Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2018, 1-8, 2018
Durkin’s Propagation Model Based on Triangular Irregular Network Terrain
M Vuckovik, D Trajanov, S Filiposka
ICT Innovations 2010, 333-341, 2011
Connection resilience to nodes failures in ad hoc networks
T Dimitar, F Sonja, M Jani, G Aksenti
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (IEEE …, 2004
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Articles 1–20