Sheridan Green
Sheridan Green
Quantitative Systematic Trader, Susquehanna International Group
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Cited by
SatGen: a semi-analytical satellite galaxy generator–I. The model and its application to Local-Group satellite statistics
F Jiang, A Dekel, J Freundlich, FC van den Bosch, SB Green, PF Hopkins, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502 (1), 621-641, 2021
Finding cosmic voids and filament loops using topological data analysis
X Xu, J Cisewski-Kehe, SB Green, D Nagai
Astronomy and Computing 27, 34-52, 2019
The tidal evolution of dark matter substructure–I. subhalo density profiles
SB Green, FC van den Bosch
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (2), 2091-2101, 2019
The tidal evolution of dark matter substructure–II. The impact of artificial disruption on subhalo mass functions and radial profiles
SB Green, FC van den Bosch, F Jiang
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503 (3), 4075-4091, 2021
DASH: a library of dynamical subhalo evolution
G Ogiya, FC van den Bosch, O Hahn, SB Green, TB Miller, A Burkert
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485 (1), 189-202, 2019
Using X-ray morphological parameters to strengthen galaxy cluster mass estimates via machine learning
SB Green, M Ntampaka, D Nagai, L Lovisari, K Dolag, D Eckert, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 884 (1), 33, 2019
SatGen–II. Assessing the impact of a disc potential on subhalo populations
SB Green, FC van den Bosch, F Jiang
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509 (2), 2624-2636, 2022
Dynamical self-friction: how mass loss slows you down
TB Miller, FC van den Bosch, SB Green, G Ogiya
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495 (4), 4496-4507, 2020
Scatter in Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect scaling relations explained by inter-cluster variance in mass accretion histories
SB Green, H Aung, D Nagai, FC van den Bosch
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496 (3), 2743-2761, 2020
Emulating Sunyaev–Zeldovich images of galaxy clusters using autoencoders
T Rothschild, D Nagai, H Aung, SB Green, M Ntampaka, J ZuHone
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513 (1), 333-344, 2022
Topology of our cosmology with persistent homology
SB Green, A Mintz, X Xu, J Cisewski-Kehe
Chance 32 (3), 6-13, 2019
Distribution of volume, microvoid percolation, and packing density in globular proteins
J Farmer, SB Green, DJ Jacobs
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.08745, 2018
Lockdown policy in pandemics: Enforcement, adherence, and effectiveness in the case of COVID-19
Y Shi, C Liu, L Wu, H Wu, K Han, D Li, SB Green, K Sangani
Infectious Disease Modelling 10 (2), 493-504, 2025
SatGen: Semi-analytical satellite galaxy and dark matter halo generator
F Jiang, A Dekel, J Freundlich, FC van den Bosch, SB Green, PF Hopkins, ...
Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl: 2303.016, 2023
The Tidal Evolution of Dark Matter Substructure and the Significance of Halo-to-Halo Assembly History Variance
SB Green
Yale University, 2021
Constraining an Early Matter-Dominated Era through Cosmological Simulations
SB Green
Universal Scaling of Cavity Volume Pathways in Globular Proteins
SB Green, J Farmer, DJ Jacobs
Biophysical Journal 110 (3), 329a, 2016
Analysis of Cavity Volumes in Proteins Using Percolation Theory
S Green, D Jacobs, J Farmer
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2016, S41. 009, 2016
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Articles 1–19