Yohana James Mgale
Yohana James Mgale
Institute of Rural Development Planning, Dodoma, Tanzania
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Cited by
Marketing efficiency and determinants of marketing channel choice by rice farmers in rural Tanzania: Evidence from Mbeya region, Tanzania
YJ Mgale, Y Yunxian
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 64 (4), 1239-1259, 2020
A comparative study of ARIMA and holt-winters exponential smoothing models for rice price forecasting in Tanzania
YJ Mgale, Y Yan, S Timothy
Open Access Library Journal 8 (5), 1-9, 2021
Price risk perceptions and adoption of management strategies by smallholder rice farmers in Mbeya region, Tanzania
YJ Mgale, Y Yunxian
Cogent Food & Agriculture 7 (1), 1919370, 2021
What matters in adoption of small-scale rain water harvesting technologies at household level? Evidence from Charco-dam users in Nzega, Tanzania
S Timothy, R Lokina, Y James Mgale, P Dimoso
Cogent Food & Agriculture 8 (1), 2112429, 2022
Decline in Fish Stock and Livelihood of Small-Scale Fisheries in Shores of Lake Victoria, Tanzania
YJ Mgale, NE Nikusekela
International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences 3 (4), 87-91, 2017
Effects of Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agricultural Development (ISPAAD) on the Income of Sorghum Farmers: Evidence from Kweneng District, Botswana
G Motlhwa, MY James, Y Yunxian
Asian J. Agric. Ext. Econ. Sociol, 1-10, 2019
Measuring rice price volatility and its determinants in Tanzania: An implication for price stabilization policies
Y Mgale, S Timothy, P Dimoso
Scientific Research Publishing, 2022
Price risk perceptions and adoption of management strategies by smallholder rice farmers in Mbeya region, Tanzania. Cogent Food Agric 7: 1919370
YJ Mgale, Y Yunxian
Economic growth benefits more from population health than foreign direct investment: Evidence from Tanzania
M Byaro, Y Mgale, G Mafwolo
African Journal of Economic Review 10 (3), 110-129, 2022
Exploring Consumer Preferences for Locally Produced Wine in the Tanzanian Market: Evidence from Wine Consumers in Dodoma City
N Kimaro, S Timothy, YJ Mgale
Research on World Agricultural Economy 5 (1), 19-31, 2024
Exporting Mongolian beef to China: The opportunities and challenges
L Erdene, Y Mgale, Y Yan
South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics 13 (1), 37-50, 2022
Determinants of export demand function for Malawi tobacco
N Nkhoma, YJ Mgale, Y Yan
Open Journal of Business and Management 9 (4), 1836-1848, 2021
Farming related factors contributing to agricultural productivity in smallholder farmers in Dodoma municipality. A factor analysis approach
NE Nikusekela, YJ Mgale, MM Msaki
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2 (6), 62-71, 2016
Exploring the adoption and impact of conservation agriculture among smallholder farmers in Semi-Arid areas: evidence from Chamwino district, Tanzania
NY Selya, P Dimoso, YJ Mgale
Research on World Agricultural Economy 4 (2), 47-61, 2023
Exploring the Effects of Out-of-Pocket Payments on Healthcare Utilization in Rural and Urban Tanzania: A Gender Perspective
A Kaijage, YJ Mgale, P Dimoso
Open Journal of Social Sciences 11 (6), 180-202, 2023
Analysis of Urban Livelihood Components in the Context of Growing Cities: Evidence from Dodoma City, Tanzania
C Makacha, YJ Mgale, GF Kinyashi
Current Urban Studies 10 (2), 235-248, 2022
Price Transmission and Factors Influencing the Price of Onions in Tanzania
YJ Mgale
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 38 (3), 67-76, 2020
Pricing Efficiency in Agricultural Markets: Evidence from the Sugarcane Sector in Laos
X Phimthong, YJ Mgale, RM Sikamwaya, Z Guiyu
South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics, 60-68, 2020
Analysis of seasonal pattern and variation of rice prices in Tanzania
JM Yohana, Y Yunxian
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 37 (3), 1-10, 2019
Effects of Non-Tariff Barriers on Maize Trade in East Africa: Evidence on Tanzanian Exports to Kenya between 2011 and 2020
HA Mnondwa, TG Rwela, YJ Mgale
Open Access Library Journal 11 (6), 1-18, 2024
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Articles 1–20