Rassim Khelifa
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Cited by
A set of principles and practical suggestions for equitable fieldwork in biology
V Ramírez-Castañeda, EP Westeen, J Frederick, S Amini, DR Wait, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (34), e2122667119, 2022
L'odonatofaune (Insecta: Odonata) du bassin de la Seybouse en Algérie: Intérêt pour la biodiversité du Maghreb
R Khelifa, A Youcefi, A Kahlerras, AH Alfarhan, KAS Al-Rasheid, ...
Revue d'écologie 66 (1), 55-66, 2011
A solution for breaking the language barrier
R Khelifa, T Amano, MA Nuñez
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (2), 109-112, 2022
Usefulness and limitations of thermal performance curves in predicting ectotherm development under climatic variability
R Khelifa, WU Blanckenhorn, J Roy, PT Rohner, H Mahdjoub
Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (12), 1901-1912, 2019
Effects of both climate change and human water demand on a highly threatened damselfly
R Khelifa, H Mahdjoub, A Baaloudj, RA Cannings, MJ Samways
Scientific reports 11 (1), 7725, 2021
Pasteurization effects on yield and physicochemical parameters of cheese in cow and goat milk
D Tadjine, S Boudalia, A Bousbia, R Khelifa, L Mebirouk Boudechiche, ...
Food Science and Technology 40, 580-587, 2019
Niche partitioning in three sympatric congeneric species of dragonfly,Orthetrum chrysostigma,O. coerulescens anceps, and O. nitidinerve: The importance of …
R Khelifa, R Zebsa, A Moussaoui, A Kahalerras, S Bensouilah, ...
Journal of Insect Science 13 (1), 71, 2013
Sensitivity of biodiversity indices to life history stage, habitat type and landscape in Odonata community
R Khelifa
Biological Conservation 237, 63-69, 2019
A hotspot for threatened Mediterranean odonates in the Seybouse River (Northeast Algeria): are IUCN population sizes drastically underestimated?
R Khelifa, R Zebsa, H Amari, MK Mellal, H Mahdjoub, A Kahalerras
International Journal of Odonatology 19 (1-2), 1-11, 2016
On the restoration of the last relict population of a dragonfly Urothemis edwardsii Selys (Libellulidae: Odonata) in the Mediterranean
R Khelifa, MK Mellal, A Zouaimia, H Amari, R Zebsa, S Bensouilah, ...
Journal of Insect Conservation 20, 797-805, 2016
Emergence pattern, microhabitat choice, and population structure of the Maghribian endemic Gomphus lucasii Selys, 1849 (Odonata: Gomphidae) in northeastern …
R Zebsa, R Khelifa, A Kahalerras
Aquatic Insects 36 (3-4), 245-255, 2014
An intersectionality lens is needed to establish a global view of equity, diversity and inclusion
R Khelifa, H Mahdjoub
Ecology letters 25 (5), 1049-1054, 2022
Diurnal activity budget and breeding ecology of the White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala at Lake Tonga (North-east Algeria)
F Chettibi, R Khelifa, M Aberkane, Z Bouslama, M Houhamdi
Zoology and Ecology 23 (3), 183-190, 2013
Faking death to avoid male coercion: extreme sexual conflict resolution in a dragonfly
R Khelifa
Spatiotemporal Pattern of Phenology across Geographic Gradients in Insects …, 2017
Bivoltinism in Coenagrion mercuriale (Zygoptera: Odonata) in the southern margin of its distribution range : emergence pattern and larval growth
H Mahdjoub, Z Bouslama, R Khelifa, R Zebsa, M Houhamdi
African Entomology 23 (1), 59-67, 2015
Emergence ecology of Orthetrum cancellatum: temporal pattern and microhabitat selection (Odonata: Libellulidae)
S Hadjoudj, R Khelifa, A Guebailia, H Amari, S Hadjadji, R Zebsa, ...
Annales de la Société entomologique de France (NS) 50 (3-4), 343-349, 2014
Combined climatic and anthropogenic stress threaten resilience of important wetland sites in an arid region
R Khelifa, H Mahdjoub, MJ Samways
Science of the Total Environment 806, 150806, 2022
Partial bivoltinism and emergence patterns in the North African endemic damselfly Calopteryx exul: conservation implications
R Khelifa
African Journal of Ecology 55 (2), 145-151, 2017
Clutch size and egg production in Orthetrum nitidinerve Selys, 1841 (Anisoptera: Libellulidae): effect of body size and age
R Khelifa, R Zebsa, A Kahalerras, H Mahdjoub
International Journal of Odonatology 15 (2), 51-58, 2012
Host‐plant‐based restoration as a potential tool to improve conservation status of odonate specialists
R Khelifa, MK Mellal
Insect Conservation and Diversity 10 (2), 151-160, 2017
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Articles 1–20