Yoga Pratama
Yoga Pratama
Department of Food Technology, Diponegoro University
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Sifat fisik edible film yang terbuat dari tepung pati umbi garut dan minyak sawit
AN Shabrina, SBM Abduh, A Hintono, Y Pratama
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 6 (3), 2017
Development of biodegradable smart packaging from chitosan, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and butterfly pea flower’s (Clitoria ternatea L.) anthocyanin extract
NA Hidayati, MW Wijaya, VP Bintoro, S Mulyani, Y Pratama
Food Research 5 (3), 307-314, 2021
Pengaruh substitusi buah naga merah terhadap aktivitas antioksidan, pH, total bakteri asam laktat dan organoleptik kefir sari kedelai
BM Pratiwi, H Rizqiati, Y Pratama
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan 2 (2), 98-105, 2018
Karakteristik fisik dan kimia tepung malt gabah beras merah dan malt beras merah dengan perlakuan malting pada lama germinasi yang berbeda
YA Rachma, DY Anggraeni, LL Surja, S Susanti, Y Pratama
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 7 (3), 2018
Kapabilitas Proses Mesin Pengemas Produk Pangan Bubuk: Studi Kasus pada Produk Tepung Terigu
Y Pratama, LH Susanti
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 7 (1), 2018
The unique crystallization behavior of Buffalo Milk fat
Y Pratama, E Simone, M Rappolt
Crystal Growth & Design 21 (4), 2113-2127, 2021
Determination of anthraquinone in some Indonesian black tea and its predicted risk characterization
RE Kartasasmita, F Kurniawan, T Amelia, CM Dewi, H Harmoko, ...
ACS omega 5 (32), 20162-20169, 2020
Turnitin: Effect of chitosan-palm olein emulsion incorporation on tapioca starch-based edible film properties
SBM Abduh
International Food Research Journal, 2019
Karakteristik edible film aloe vera dengan emulsi extra virgin olive oil dan kitosan
Y Pratama, M Miranda, A Hintono
Agritech 38 (4), 381-387, 2019
Perlakuan Panas Mendidih Pada Pembuatan Milk-Tea Dalam Kemasan (Kajian Pada Industri Skala Kecil)
Y Pratama, SBM Abduh
Jurnal Pangan dan Gizi 5 (1), 2015
Optimum carrageenan concentration improved the physical properties of cabinet-dried yoghurt powder
Y Pratama, SBM Abduh, AM Legowo, YB Pramono, AN Albaarri
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 102 (1), 012023, 2018
Polymorphism of a highly asymmetrical triacylglycerol in milk fat: 1-Butyryl 2-stearoyl 3-Palmitoyl-glycerol
Y Pratama, S Burholt, DL Baker, A Sadeghpour, E Simone, M Rappolt
Crystal Growth & Design 22 (10), 6120-6130, 2022
Quantitative risk assessment of acrylamide in Indonesian deep fried fritters as street food products
Y Pratama, L Jacxsens
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal 7 (3), 662-669, 2019
Effect of Basil (Ocimum americanum L.) proportion on physical and organoleptical properties of basil cracker
Y Pratama, T Ulfah, VP Bintoro
Journal of Applied Food Technology 5 (1), 01-05, 2018
The Effect of Gatot (Fermented Dried Cassava) and Red Bean Ratio on Water Content and Organoleptic Characteristics of The" Gatotkaca" Analog Rice
E Kusmiandany, Y Pratama, YB Pramono
Journal of Applied Food Technology 6 (1), 09-11, 2019
Decoding the role of triacylglycerol composition in the milk fat crystallisation behaviour: A study using buffalo milk fat fractions
Y Pratama, J Seilert, A Sadeghpour, E Simone, M Rappolt
LWT 186, 115274, 2023
Stability analysis of ginger (zingiber officinale) emulsion affected by iota carrageenan
AN Al-Baarri, AM Legowo, YB Pramono, H Rizqiati, Y Pratama, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 309 (1), 012038, 2019
Analysis of Consumer Purchasing Patterns Using the Apriori Algorithm on Sales Transaction Data from Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga
YCA Pratama, C Dewi
International Journal Software Engineering and Computer Science (IJSECS) 5 …, 2025
The Effects of tapioca starch-chitosan-palm olein composite edible film on the quality of milk candy during storage
Y Pratama, A Hintono, H Rizqiati
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 309 (1), 012040, 2019
Description of The Visual Image Magnification on Ginger Emulsion using Kappa and Iota Carrageenan
RO Saraswati, AN Al-Baarri, H Rizqiati, AM Legowo, YB Pramono, ...
Journal of Applied Food Technology 6 (1), 01-02, 2019
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Articles 1–20