Thomas C Lam
Thomas C Lam
School of Optometry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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Optical defocus rapidly changes choroidal thickness in schoolchildren
D Wang, RKM Chun, M Liu, RPK Lee, Y Sun, T Zhang, C Lam, Q Liu, ...
PloS one 11 (8), e0161535, 2016
Simultaneous defocus integration during refractive development
YT Dennis, CS Lam, JA Guggenheim, C Lam, K Li, Q Liu, C To
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 48 (12), 5352-5359, 2007
Critical role of mass spectrometry proteomics in tear biomarker discovery for multifactorial ocular diseases
JYW Ma, YH Sze, JF Bian, TC Lam
International Journal of Molecular Medicine 47 (5), 1-15, 2021
The role of the RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway in mechanical strain-induced scleral myofibroblast differentiation
Y Yuan, M Li, CH To, TC Lam, P Wang, Y Yu, Q Chen, X Hu, B Ke
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 59 (8), 3619-3629, 2018
A chick retinal proteome database and differential retinal protein expressions during early ocular development
TC Lam, KK Li, SCL Lo, JA Guggenheim, CH To
Journal of proteome research 5 (4), 771-784, 2006
Application of fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis technology in searching for protein biomarkers in chick myopia
TC Lam, KK Li, SCL Lo, JA Guggenheim, CH To
Journal of proteome research 6 (11), 4135-4149, 2007
Alteration of retinal metabolism and oxidative stress may implicate myopic eye growth: Evidence from discovery and targeted proteomics in an animal model
FJ Yu, TC Lam, AYH Sze, KK Li, RKM Chun, SW Shan, CH To
Journal of proteomics 221, 103684, 2020
Application of proteomic technology in eye research: a mini review
TC Lam, RKM Chun, K Li, C To
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 91 (1), 23-33, 2008
Isotope-coded protein label based quantitative proteomic analysis reveals significant up-regulation of apolipoprotein A1 and ovotransferrin in the myopic chick vitreous
F Yu, TC Lam, L Liu, RK Chun, JK Cheung, K Li, C To
Scientific reports 7 (1), 12649, 2017
SWATH based quantitative proteomics reveals significant lipid metabolism in early myopic guinea pig retina
J Bian, YH Sze, DYY Tse, CH To, SA McFadden, CSY Lam, KK Li, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 22 (9), 4721, 2021
New insight of common regulatory pathways in human trabecular meshwork cells in response to dexamethasone and prednisolone using an integrated quantitative proteomics: SWATH …
SW Shan, CW Do, TC Lam, RPW Kong, KK Li, KM Chun, WD Stamer, ...
Journal of proteome research 16 (10), 3753-3765, 2017
Integrated SWATH-based and targeted-based proteomics provide insights into the retinal emmetropization process in guinea pig
SW Shan, DY Tse, B Zuo, CH To, Q Liu, SA McFadden, RKM Chun, J Bian, ...
Journal of proteomics 181, 1-15, 2018
Post-translational modifications and their applications in eye research
BJ Chen, TC Lam, LQ Liu, CH To
Molecular Medicine Reports 15 (6), 3923-3935, 2017
Proteomic analysis of chick retina during early recovery from lens‑induced myopia
YY Zhou, RKM Chun, JC Wang, B Zuo, KK Li, TC Lam, Q Liu, CH To
Molecular medicine reports 18 (1), 59-66, 2018
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate activates retinal apolipoprotein A1 expression and inhibits myopic eye growth
RKM Chun, SW Shan, TC Lam, CL Wong, KK Li, CW Do, CH To
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56 (13), 8151-8157, 2015
Differential retinal protein expressions during form deprivation myopia in albino guinea pigs
Y Wu, Q Liu, C Ho To, KK Li, R KM Chun, J FJ Yu, T C Lam
Current Proteomics 11 (1), 37-47, 2014
Data on differentially expressed proteins in retinal emmetropization process in guinea pig using integrated SWATH-based and targeted-based proteomics
SW Shan, DY Tse, B Zuo, C ho To, Q Liu, SA McFadden, RKM Chun, ...
Data in brief 21, 1750-1755, 2018
Early quantitative profiling of differential retinal protein expression in lens-induced myopia in guinea pig using fluorescence difference two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
Y Wu, CSY Lam, DYY Tse, CH To, Q Liu, SA McFadden, RKM Chun, ...
Molecular medicine reports 17 (4), 5571-5580, 2018
High-pH reversed-phase fractionated neural retina proteome of normal growing C57BL/6 mouse
YH Sze, Q Zhao, JKW Cheung, KK Li, DYY Tse, CH To, TC Lam
Scientific data 8 (1), 27, 2021
Alteration of EIF2 signaling, glycolysis, and dopamine secretion in form-deprived myopia in response to 1% atropine treatment: Evidence from interactive iTRAQ-MS and SWATH-MS …
Y Zhu, JF Bian, DQ Lu, CH To, CSY Lam, KK Li, FJ Yu, BT Gong, Q Wang, ...
Frontiers in pharmacology 13, 814814, 2022
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