Lynn Monrouxe
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Cited by
Shedding the cobra effect: problematising thematic emergence, triangulation, saturation and member checking
L Varpio, R Ajjawi, LV Monrouxe, BC O'Brien, CE Rees
Medical education 51 (1), 40-50, 2017
Identity, identification and medical education: why should we care?
LV Monrouxe
Medical education 44 (1), 40-49, 2010
Academic outcomes of flipped classroom learning: a meta‐analysis
KS Chen, L Monrouxe, YH Lu, CC Jenq, YJ Chang, YC Chang, PYC Chai
Medical education 52 (9), 910-924, 2018
Differences in medical students’ explicit discourses of professionalism: acting, representing, becoming
LV Monrouxe, CE Rees, W Hu
Medical education 45 (6), 585-602, 2011
How prepared are UK medical graduates for practice? A rapid review of the literature 2009–2014
LV Monrouxe, L Grundy, M Mann, Z John, E Panagoulas, A Bullock, ...
BMJ open 7 (1), e013656, 2017
“Is it me or is it them?”: Factors influencing assessors’ failure to fail underperforming medical students
JA Cleland, LV Knight, CE Rees, S Tracey, B CM
Medical Education 42 (8), 800-809, 2008
The interplay between geometry and function in the comprehension of over, under, above and below
KR Coventry, M Prat-Sala, LV Richards
Journal of Memory and Language 44, 376-398, 2001
Solicited audio diaries in longitudinal narrative research: a view from inside
LV Monrouxe
Qualitative research 9 (1), 81-103, 2009
Negotiating professional identities: dominant and contesting narratives in medical students’ longitudinal audio diaries
LV Monrouxe
Current Narratives 1 (1), 41-59, 2009
Professionalism dilemmas, moral distress and the healthcare student: insights from two online UK-wide questionnaire studies
LV Monrouxe, CE Rees, I Dennis, SE Wells
BMJ open 5 (5), e007518, 2015
Narrative, emotion and action: analysing ‘most memorable’professionalism dilemmas
CE Rees, LV Monrouxe, LA McDonald
Medical education 47 (1), 80-96, 2013
Re-visioning academic medicine through a constructionist lens
CE Rees, PES Crampton, LV Monrouxe
Academic Medicine 95 (6), 846-850, 2020
“When I first came here, I thought medicine was black and white”: Making sense of medical students’ ways of knowing
LV Knight, K Mattick
Social Science and Medicine 63 (4), 1084, 2006
‘Even now it makes me angry’: health care students’ professionalism dilemma narratives
LV Monrouxe, CE Rees, R Endacott, E Ternan
Medical Education 48 (5), 502-517, 2014
“It’s just a clash of cultures”: emotional talk within medical students’ narratives of professionalism dilemmas
LV Monrouxe, CE Rees
Advances in Health Sciences Education 17, 671-701, 2012
Theory in medical education research: how do we get there?
CE Rees, LV Monrouxe
Medical education 44 (4), 334-339, 2010
Why people apply to medical school: Implications for widening participation activities
J McHarg, K Mattick, LV Knight
Medical Education 41 (8), 815-821, 2007
The trouble with assessing students’ professional behaviors: Theoretical insights from socio-cognitive psychology
CE Rees, LV Knight
Academic Medicine 82 (1), 46-50, 2007
The construction of patients' involvement in hospital bedside teaching encounters
LV Monrouxe, CE Rees, P Bradley
Qualitative Health Research 19 (7), 918-930, 2009
High quality learning: harder to achieve than we think?
K Mattick, LV Knight
Medical Education 41 (7), 638-644, 2007
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