Pei Zhang
Pei Zhang
Xi'an Jiaotong University
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Orbital angular momentum complex spectrum analyzer for vortex light based on the rotational Doppler effect
HL Zhou, DZ Fu, JJ Dong, P Zhang, DX Chen, XL Cai, FL Li, XL Zhang
Light: Science & Applications 6 (4), e16251-e16251, 2017
Theoretical analysis and experimental verification on optical rotational Doppler effect
H Zhou, D Fu, J Dong, P Zhang, X Zhang
Optics express 24 (9), 10050-10056, 2016
Reference-frame-independent quantum-key-distribution server with a telecom tether for an on-chip client
P Zhang, K Aungskunsiri, E Martín-López, J Wabnig, M Lobino, RW Nock, ...
Physical review letters 112 (13), 130501, 2014
Demonstration of one-dimensional quantum random walks using orbital angular momentum of photons
P Zhang, XF Ren, XB Zou, BH Liu, YF Huang, GC Guo
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (5), 052310, 2007
Implementation of one-dimensional quantum walks on spin-orbital angular momentum space of photons
P Zhang, BH Liu, RF Liu, HR Li, FL Li, GC Guo
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (5), 052322, 2010
Probing the topological charge of a vortex beam with dynamic angular double slits
D Fu, D Chen, R Liu, Y Wang, H Gao, F Li, P Zhang
Optics letters 40 (5), 788-791, 2015
Realization of a scalable Laguerre–Gaussian mode sorter based on a robust radial mode sorter
D Fu, Y Zhou, R Qi, S Oliver, Y Wang, SMH Rafsanjani, J Zhao, ...
Optics express 26 (25), 33057-33065, 2018
Probing the fractional topological charge of a vortex light beam by using dynamic angular double slits
J Zhu, P Zhang, D Fu, D Chen, R Liu, Y Zhou, H Gao, F Li
Photonics Research 4 (5), 187-190, 2016
Investigating the self-healing property of an optical Airy beam
L Zhang, F Ye, M Cao, D Wei, P Zhang, H Gao, F Li
Optics Letters 40 (21), 5066-5069, 2015
Complex wavefront reconstruction with single-pixel detector
R Liu, S Zhao, P Zhang, H Gao, F Li
Applied Physics Letters 114 (16), 2019
Learning to recognize misaligned hyperfine orbital angular momentum modes
X Wang, Y Qian, JJ Zhang, G Ma, S Zhao, RF Liu, H Li, P Zhang, H Gao, ...
Photonics Research 9 (4), B81-B86, 2021
Measuring mode indices of a partially coherent vortex beam with Hanbury Brown and Twiss type experiment
R Liu, F Wang, D Chen, Y Wang, Y Zhou, H Gao, P Zhang, F Li
Applied Physics Letters 108 (5), 2016
Arbitrary cylindrical vector beam generation enabled by polarization-selective Gouy phase shifter
J Jia, K Zhang, G Hu, M Hu, T Tong, Q Mu, H Gao, F Li, CW Qiu, P Zhang
Photonics research 9 (6), 1048-1054, 2021
Retrieving High-Dimensional Quantum Steering from a Noisy Environment with Measurement Settings
R Qu, Y Wang, M An, F Wang, Q Quan, H Li, H Gao, F Li, P Zhang
Physical review letters 128 (24), 240402, 2022
Generation of two-mode Gaussian-type entangled states of light via a quantum beat laser
A Fang, Y Chen, F Li, H Li, P Zhang
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (1), 012323, 2010
Fourier single-pixel reconstruction of a complex amplitude optical field
S Zhao, R Liu, P Zhang, H Gao, F Li
Optics letters 44 (13), 3278-3281, 2019
Characterizing the phase profile of a vortex beam with angular-double-slit interference
R Liu, J Long, F Wang, Y Wang, P Zhang, H Gao, F Li
Journal of Optics 15 (12), 125712, 2013
Experimental demonstration of efficient high-dimensional quantum gates with orbital angular momentum
Y Wang, S Ru, F Wang, P Zhang, F Li
Quantum Science and Technology 7 (1), 015016, 2021
Demonstration of CNOT gate with Laguerre Gaussian beams via four-wave mixing in atom vapor
M Cao, Y Yu, L Zhang, F Ye, Y Wang, D Wei, P Zhang, W Guo, S Zhang, ...
Optics Express 22 (17), 20177-20184, 2014
High-dimensional quantum key distribution based on mutually partially unbiased bases
F Wang, P Zeng, J Zhao, B Braverman, Y Zhou, M Mirhosseini, X Wang, ...
Physical Review A 101 (3), 032340, 2020
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