Razmik Unanyan
Razmik Unanyan
University of Kaiserslautern, Dept. of Physics and research center OPTIMAS Verified email at physik
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Cited by
Robust creation and phase-sensitive probing of superposition states via stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) with degenerate dark states
R Unanyan, M Fleischhauer, BW Shore, K Bergmann
Optics Communications 155 (1-3), 144-154, 1998
Laser-driven population transfer in four-level atoms: Consequences of non-Abelian geometrical adiabatic phase factors
RG Unanyan, BW Shore, K Bergmann
Physical Review A 59 (4), 2910, 1999
Evidence for unbounded growth of the number entropy in many-body localized phases
M Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, R Unanyan, M Fleischhauer, J Sirker
Physical Review Letters 124 (24), 243601, 2020
Slow delocalization of particles in many-body localized phases
M Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, R Unanyan, M Fleischhauer, J Sirker
Physical Review B 103 (2), 024203, 2021
Laser-induced adiabatic atomic reorientation with control of diabatic losses
RG Unanyan, LP Yatsenko, K Bergmann, BW Shore
Optics communications 139 (1-3), 48-54, 1997
Preparation of entangled states by adiabatic passage
RG Unanyan, NV Vitanov, K Bergmann
Physical review letters 87 (13), 137902, 2001
Novel laser controlled variable matter wave beamsplitter
H Theuer, RG Unanyan, C Habscheid, K Klein, K Bergmann
Optics Express 4 (2), 77-83, 1999
Decoherence-Free Generation of Many-Particle Entanglement<? format?> by Adiabatic Ground-State Transitions
RG Unanyan, M Fleischhauer
Physical review letters 90 (13), 133601, 2003
Bose-Einstein condensation of stationary-light polaritons
M Fleischhauer, J Otterbach, RG Unanyan
Physical review letters 101 (16), 163601, 2008
Population transfer through the continuum using laser-controlled Stark shifts
LP Yatsenko, RG Unanyan, K Bergmann, T Halfmann, BW Shore
Optics communications 135 (4-6), 406-412, 1997
Dark-state polaritons for multicomponent and stationary light fields
FE Zimmer, J Otterbach, RG Unanyan, BW Shore, M Fleischhauer
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (6), 063823, 2008
Bounds on the entanglement entropy by the number entropy in non-interacting fermionic systems
M Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, R Unanyan, J Sirker, M Fleischhauer
SciPost Physics 8 (6), 083, 2020
Confining stationary light: Dirac dynamics and Klein tunneling
J Otterbach, RG Unanyan, M Fleischhauer
Physical review letters 102 (6), 063602, 2009
Preparation of an N-component maximal coherent superposition state using the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage method
RG Unanyan, BW Shore, K Bergmann
Physical Review A 63 (4), 043401, 2001
Efficient and robust entanglement generation in a many-particle system with resonant dipole-dipole interactions
RG Unanyan, M Fleischhauer
Physical Review A 66 (3), 032109, 2002
Effective magnetic fields for stationary light
J Otterbach, J Ruseckas, RG Unanyan, G Juzeliūnas, M Fleischhauer
Physical review letters 104 (3), 033903, 2010
Many-body physics of Rydberg dark-state polaritons in the strongly interacting regime
M Moos, M Höning, R Unanyan, M Fleischhauer
Physical Review A 92 (5), 053846, 2015
Geometric phase gate without dynamical phases
RG Unanyan, M Fleischhauer
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 69 (5), 050302, 2004
Spinor slow-light and dirac particles with variable mass
RG Unanyan, J Otterbach, M Fleischhauer, J Ruseckas, V Kudriašov, ...
Physical review letters 105 (17), 173603, 2010
Suppression of incoherent ionization in population transfer via continuum
RG Unanyan, NV Vitanov, S Stenholm
Physical Review A 57 (1), 462, 1998
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Articles 1–20