Wei Zhu
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Cited by
Event-based consensus of multi-agent systems with general linear models
W Zhu, ZP Jiang, G Feng
Automatica 50 (2), 552-558, 2014
Event-triggering sampling based leader-following consensus in second-order multi-agent systems
H Li, X Liao, T Huang, W Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (7), 1998-2003, 2014
Event-based leader-following consensus of multi-agent systems with input time delay
W Zhu, ZP Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (5), 1362-1367, 2014
Leader-following consensus of second-order agents with multiple time-varying delays
W Zhu, D Cheng
Automatica 46 (12), 1994-1999, 2010
Function projective synchronization for fractional-order chaotic systems
P Zhou, W Zhu
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 12 (2), 811-816, 2011
Event-based impulsive control of continuous-time dynamic systems and its application to synchronization of memristive neural networks
W Zhu, D Wang, L Liu, G Feng
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 29 (8), 3599-3609, 2017
Second-order global consensus in multiagent networks with random directional link failure
H Li, X Liao, T Huang, W Zhu, Y Liu
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 26 (3), 565-575, 2014
Event-triggered distributed average consensus over directed digital networks with limited communication bandwidth
H Li, G Chen, T Huang, Z Dong, W Zhu, L Gao
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 46 (12), 3098-3110, 2016
Second-order consensus seeking in multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics over random switching directed networks
H Li, X Liao, X Lei, T Huang, W Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 60 (6), 1595-1607, 2013
Artificial-noise-aided secure multicast precoding for directional modulation systems
F Shu, L Xu, J Wang, W Zhu, Z Xiaobo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (7), 6658-6662, 2018
Event-based consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with discrete time
W Zhu, H Pu, D Wang, H Li
Automatica 79, 78-83, 2017
Consensus of fractional-order multi-agent systems with linear models via observer-type protocol
W Zhu, W Li, P Zhou, C Yang
Neurocomputing 230, 60-65, 2017
Consensus of fractional-order multi-agent systems with input time delay
W Zhu, B Chen, J Yang
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 20 (1), 52-70, 2017
Global exponential stability of impulsive integro-differential equation
D Xu, W Zhu, S Long
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 64 (12), 2805-2816, 2006
Robust design of transmit waveform and receive filter for colocated MIMO radar
W Zhu, J Tang
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 22 (11), 2112-2116, 2015
Robust secure transmission of using main-lobe-integration-based leakage beamforming in directional modulation MU-MIMO systems
F Shu, W Zhu, X Zhou, J Li, J Lu
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (4), 3775-3785, 2017
Distributed event-triggered formation control of multiagent systems via complex-valued Laplacian
W Zhu, W Cao, ZP Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 51 (4), 2178-2187, 2019
Stability analysis of impulsive switched systems with time delays
C Yang, W Zhu
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 50 (7-8), 1188-1194, 2009
Global impulsive exponential synchronization of time-delayed coupled chaotic systems
W Zhu, D Xu, Y Huang
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 35 (5), 904-912, 2008
Global exponential stability of impulsive delay difference equation
W Zhu, D Xu, Z Yang
Applied Mathematics and Computation 181 (1), 65-72, 2006
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Articles 1–20