Laurie Fajardo
Laurie Fajardo
Investigador Asociado
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Research Priorities for Neotropical Dry Forests1
GA Sánchez‐Azofeifa, M Quesada, JP Rodríguez, JM Nassar, KE Stoner, ...
Biotropica: The Journal of Biology and Conservation 37 (4), 477-485, 2005
Plant diversity patterns in neotropical dry forests and their conservation implications
Dryflor, K Banda-R, A Delgado-Salinas, KG Dexter, R Linares-Palomino, ...
Science 353 (6306), 1383-1387, 2016
Presence of an emerging pathogen of amphibians in introduced bullfrogs Rana catesbeiana in Venezuela
R Hanselmann, A Rodrıguez, M Lampo, L Fajardo-Ramos, AA Aguirre, ...
Biological Conservation 120 (1), 115-119, 2004
Plant diversity patterns in neotropical dry forests and their conservation implications
KR Banda, A Delgado-Salinas, KG Dexter, R Linares-Palomino, ...
Tropical Dry Forests of Venezuela: Characterization and Current Conservation Status1
L Fajardo, V Gonzalez, JM Nassar, P Lacabana, CA Portillo Q, ...
Biotropica: The Journal of Biology and Conservation 37 (4), 531-546, 2005
Restoration of a degraded tropical dry forest in Macanao, Venezuela
L Fajardo, JP Rodríguez, V González, JM Briceño-Linares
Journal of Arid Environments 88, 236-243, 2013
Meta-analysis of the impact of plant invasions on soil microbial communities
N Torres, I Herrera, L Fajardo, RO Bustamante
BMC Ecology and Evolution 21, 1-8, 2021
Pre-selección de plantas nativas y producción de inóculos de hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA) de relevancia en la rehabilitación de áreas degradadas de la Gran Sabana …
G Cuenca, Z De Andrade, M Lovera, L Fajardo, E Meneses, M Márquez, ...
Ecotrópicos 16 (1), 27-40, 2003
Expanding tropical forest monitoring into Dry Forests: The DRYFLOR protocol for permanent plots
PW Moonlight, K Banda‐r, OL Phillips, KG Dexter, RT Pennington, ...
Plants, People, Planet 3 (3), 295-300, 2021
El uso de los hongos micorrízicos arbusculares en las prácticas de restauración ecológica
L FAjARDO, G Cuenca, P Arrindell, R Capote, Z Hasmy
Interciencia 36 (12), 931-936, 2011
El uso de arbustos nativos micorrizados para la rehabilitación de áreas degradadas de la Gran Sabana, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela
G Cuenca, Z De Andrade, M Lovera, L Fajardo, E Meneses, M Márquez, ...
Interciencia 27 (4), 165-172, 2002
Mycorrhizal response of Clusia pusilla growing in two different soils in the field
G Cuenca, Z De Andrade, M Lovera, L Fajardo, E Meneses
Trees 17, 200-206, 2003
F., Rodriguez, JP 2005. Tropical Dry Forests of Venezuela: Characterization and Current Conservation Status
L Fajardo, V González, JM Nassar, P Lacabana, Q Portillo, C CA
Biotropica 37 (4), 531-546, 0
Research priorities for neotropical dry forests
G Sánchez, M Quesada, J Rodríguez, JM Nassar, KE Stoner, A Castillo, ...
Biotropica 37 (4), 477-485, 2005
The effect of two arbuscular mycorrhizal inocula of contrasting richness and the same mycorrhizal potential on the growth and survival of wild plant species from La Gran Sabana …
G Cuenca, ZD Andrade, M Lovera, L Fajardo, E Meneses
Canadian journal of botany 82 (5), 582-589, 2004
Yellow-shouldered Parrot (Amazona barbadensis) on the islands of Margarita and La Blanquilla, Venezuela
JP Rodríguez, L FAJARDO, I HERRERA, A Sánchez, A Reyes
Species conservation and management: case studies. Oxford University Press …, 2004
Arbuscular mycorrhizae, a tool to enhance the recovery and re-introduction of Juglans venezuelensis Manning, an endemic tree on the brink of extinction
L Fajardo, A Cáceres, P Arrindell
Symbiosis 64, 63-71, 2014
Morphotype-based characterization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in a restored tropical dry forest, Margarita island-Venezuela
L Fajardo, M Lovera, P Arrindell, VH Aguilar, Z Hasmy, G Cuenca
Revista de Biología Tropical 63 (3), 859-870, 2015
AMF Diversity in coffee and cacao agroforestry systems: Importance for crop productivity and forest conservation
M Lovera, G Cuenca, L Fajardo, A Cáceres, BE Guerra-Sierra
Mycorrhizal Fungi in South America: Biodiversity, Conservation, and …, 2022
Efecto de las micorrizas arbusculares sobre el crecimiento y supervivencia de dos especies nativas de la gran sabana, al trasplantarlas a un área degradada
G Cuenca, M Lovera, L Fajardo, E Meneses
Acta Científica Venezolana 57 (2), 42-48, 2006
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Articles 1–20