Mikhail Jacob
Mikhail Jacob
Machine Learning Engineer, Resolution Games
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Viewpoints AI
M Jacob, G Coisne, A Gupta, I Sysoev, GG Verma, B Magerko
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2013
Designing co-creative AI for public spaces
D Long, M Jacob, B Magerko
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 271-284, 2019
Interaction-based Authoring for Scalable Co-creative Agents.
M Jacob, B Magerko
ICCC, 236-243, 2015
Viewpoints ai: Procedurally representing and reasoning about gestures
M Jacob, A Zook, B Magerko
Proceedings of DiGRA 2013 Conference, 2013
Towards a Hybrid Recommendation System for a Sound Library.
J Smith, D Weeks, M Jacob, J Freeman, B Magerko
IUI workshops 19, 2019
Designing for socially interactive systems
D Long, M Jacob, N Davis, B Magerko
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 39-50, 2017
“it’s unwieldy and it takes a lot of time”—challenges and opportunities for creating agents in commercial games
M Jacob, S Devlin, K Hofmann
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2020
An enactive characterization of pretend play
N Davis, M Comerford, M Jacob, CP Hsiao, B Magerko
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition …, 2015
Creative arcs in improvised human-computer embodied performances
M Jacob, B Magerko
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Foundations of …, 2018
An overview of computational co-creative pretend play with a human
B Magerko, J Permar, M Jacob, M Comerford, J Smith
Proceedings of First Workshop on Playful Virtual Characters at the …, 2014
How humans perceive human-like behavior in video game navigation
E Zuniga, S Milani, G Leroy, J Rzepecki, R Georgescu, I Momennejad, ...
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 1-11, 2022
Recognizing actions in motion trajectories using deep neural networks
K Singh, N Davis, CP Hsiao, M Jacob, K Patel, B Magerko
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2016
We want a lifelong commitment, not just sweet words
M Jacob
Native visions for educational healing. In Kenny, C., & Fraser, TN (Eds …, 2012
Improvisational artificial intelligence for embodied co-creativity
M Jacob
Ph. D. Dissertation, GIT, 2019
Combining collaborative and content filtering in a recommendation system for a web-based daw
J Smith, M Jacob, J Freeman, B Magerko, T Mcklin
Proceedings of the International Web Audio Conference, 2019
Acting with style: Towards designer centred reinforcement learning for the videogames industry
B Aytemiz, M Jacob, S Devlin
CHI Workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Humans, Computer, and Interaction …, 2021
Towards lifelong interactive learning for open-ended embodied narrative improvisation
M Jacob
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition …, 2017
Affordance-based Generation of Pretend Object Interaction Variants For Human-Computer Improvisational Theater.
M Jacob, P Chawla, L Douglas, Z He, J Lee, T Sawant, B Magerko
ICCC, 140-147, 2019
Empirically Evaluating Creative Arc Negotiation for Improvisational Decision-making
M Jacob, B Magerko
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 1-10, 2021
Y Nedumov, I Mashonsky, A Babichev, N Semina, J Smith, J Freeman, ...
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Articles 1–20