Articles with public access mandates - Cemal KarakasLearn more
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Metabolomics of mammalian brain reveals regional differences
WT Choi, M Tosun, HH Jeong, C Karakas, F Semerci, Z Liu, ...
BMC systems biology 12, 77-88, 2018
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Inferring metabolic networks using the Bayesian adaptive graphical lasso with informative priors
C Peterson, M Vannucci, C Karakas, W Choi, L Ma, M Maletić-Savatić
Statistics and its Interface 6 (4), 547, 2013
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Sub-scalp electroencephalography: a next-generation technique to study human neurophysiology
Z Haneef, K Yang, SA Sheth, FZ Aloor, B Aazhang, V Krishnan, C Karakas
Clinical Neurophysiology 141, 77-87, 2022
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
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