Umut Zalluhoglu
Umut Zalluhoglu
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Critical effects of the polarity change in delayed states within an LTI dynamics with multiple delays
Q Gao, AS Kammer, U Zalluhoglu, N Olgac
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (11), 3018-3022, 2015
Combination of sign inverting and delay scheduling control concepts for multiple-delay dynamics
Q Gao, AS Kammer, U Zalluhoglu, N Olgac
Systems & Control Letters 77, 55-62, 2015
Predicting thermoacoustic instability: a novel analytical approach and its experimental validation
N Olgac, U Zalluhoglu, AS Kammer
Journal of Propulsion and Power 30 (4), 1005-1015, 2014
Autonomous directional drilling with rotary steerable systems
N Demirer, U Zalluhoglu, J Marck, R Darbe, M Morari
2019 American Control Conference (ACC), 5203-5208, 2019
Delayed feedback control laws for Rijke tube thermoacoustic instability, synthesis, and experimental validation
U Zalluhoglu, AS Kammer, N Olgac
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 24 (5), 1861-1868, 2016
Investigation of local stability transitions in the spectral delay space and delay space
Q Gao, U Zalluhoglu, N Olgac
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 136 (5), 051011, 2014
A study of Helmholtz resonators to stabilize thermoacoustically driven pressure oscillations
U Zalluhoglu, N Olgac
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139 (4), 1962-1973, 2016
A new perspective in designing delayed feedback control for thermo-acoustic instabilities (TAI)
N Olgac, U Zalluhoglu, AS Kammer
Combustion Science and Technology 187 (5), 697-720, 2015
On blade/casing rub problems in turbomachinery: An efficient delayed differential equation approach
N Olgac, U Zalluhoglu, AS Kammer
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (24), 6662-6675, 2014
Model predictive control for mud motor operation in directional drilling
Y Zhao, U Zalluhoglu, J Marck, N Demirer, M Morari
2019 American Control Conference (ACC), 5197-5202, 2019
Steering advisory system for rotary steerable systems
U Zalluhoglu, N Demirer, J Marck, H Gharib, R Darbe
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition, D021S007R001, 2019
Parametric investigation of thermoacoustic instability (TAI) in a rijke tube: a time-delay perspective
N Olgac, R Cepeda-Gomez, U Zalluhoglu, AS Kammer
International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 7 (1), 39-68, 2015
A model predictive control method for autonomous directional drilling
N Demirer, U Zalluhoglu, J Marck, H Gharib, R Darbe
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D022S077R002, 2019
Downhole attitude-hold controller leads to automatic steering of directional wells with improved accuracy and reduced tortuosity
U Zalluhoglu, J Tilley, W Zhang, J Grable
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition, D101S017R004, 2020
Borehole Propagation With Undergaged Stabilizers: Theory and Validation
U Zalluhoglu, J Marck, H Gharib, Y Zhao
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 141 (5), 051013, 2019
Steering advisory system for mud motors
U Zalluhoglu, H Gharib, J Marck, N Demirer, R Darbe
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition, D031S014R005, 2019
Automated steering with real-time model-based control
N Demirer, U Zalluhoglu, J Marck, R Darbe
International Petroleum Technology Conference, D012S121R001, 2020
Deployment of time-delayed integral control for suppressing thermoacoustic instabilities
U Zalluhoglu, N Olgac
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 39 (10), 2284-2296, 2016
Passive suppression of thermoacoustic instability in a Rijke tube
U Zalluhoglu, N Olgac
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (10), 59-64, 2016
On the Bifurcation Behavior of RSS Steering Capabilities
J Marck, U Zalluhoglu
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2019-1761, 2019
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Articles 1–20