Articles with public access mandates - Brang PeterLearn more
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Growth response of five co-occurring conifers to drought across a wide climatic gradient in Central Europe
M Lévesque, A Rigling, H Bugmann, P Weber, P Brang
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 197, 1-12, 2014
Mandates: European Commission
Tree species dynamics in Swiss forests as affected by site, stand and management: A retrospective analysis
PS Nikolova, B Rohner, J Zell, P Brang
Forest Ecology and Management 448, 278-293, 2019
Mandates: European Commission
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Suitability of close-to-nature silviculture for adapting temperate European forests to climate change
P Brang, P Spathelf, JB Larsen, J Bauhus, A Boncčìna, C Chauvin, ...
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 87 (4), 492-503, 2014
Mandates: European Commission
European mixed forests: definition and research perspectives
A Bravo-Oviedo, H Pretzsch, C Ammer, E Andenmatten, A Barbati, ...
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), 2014
Mandates: European Commission
Maintenance of long-term experiments for unique insights into forest growth dynamics and trends: review and perspectives
H Pretzsch, M del Río, P Biber, C Arcangeli, K Bielak, P Brang, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 138, 165-185, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of …
How to kill a tree: empirical mortality models for 18 species and their performance in a dynamic forest model
L Hülsmann, H Bugmann, M Cailleret, P Brang
Ecological Applications 28 (2), 522-540, 2018
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
How to predict tree death from inventory data—lessons from a systematic assessment of European tree mortality models
L Hülsmann, H Bugmann, P Brang
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47 (7), 890-900, 2017
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
Does one model fit all? Patterns of beech mortality in natural forests of three European regions
L Hülsmann, HKM Bugmann, B Commarmot, P Meyer, S Zimmermann, ...
Ecological applications 26 (8), 2465-2479, 2016
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
Slit-shaped gaps are a successful silvicultural technique to promote Picea abies regeneration in mountain forests of the Swiss Alps
K Streit, J Wunder, P Brang
Forest ecology and management 257 (9), 1902-1909, 2009
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
Silvicultural strategies for increased timber harvesting in a Central European mountain landscape
C Temperli, G Stadelmann, E Thürig, P Brang
European Journal of Forest Research 136, 493-509, 2017
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
Innovation in the use of wood energy in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Opportunities and threats for rural communities
I Soloviy, M Melnykovych, AB Gurung, RJ Hewitt, R Ustych, L Maksymiv, ...
Forest policy and economics 104, 160-169, 2019
Mandates: European Commission
Non-Native Forest Tree Species in Europe: The question of seed origin in afforestation
P Alizoti, JC Bastien, D Chakraborty, MM Klisz, J Kroon, C Neophytou, ...
Forests 13 (2), 273, 2022
Mandates: European Commission
Stand inventory data from the 10 ha forest research plot in Uholka: 15 years of primeval beech forest development
J Stillhard, M Hobi, L Hülsmann, P Brang, C Ginzler, M Kabal, J Nitzsche, ...
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
Timber mobilization and habitat tree retention in low-elevation mixed forests in Switzerland: an inventory-based scenario analysis of opportunities and constraints
C Temperli, G Stadelmann, E Thürig, P Brang
European Journal of Forest Research 136, 711-725, 2017
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
Sheltered or suppressed? Tree regeneration in unmanaged European forests
Y Käber, C Bigler, J HilleRisLambers, M Hobi, TA Nagel, T Aakala, ...
Journal of Ecology 111 (10), 2281-2295, 2023
Mandates: Slovenian Research Agency
Non-native forest tree species in Europe: The question of seed origin in afforestation
P Alizoti, JC Bastien, D Chakraborty, M Klisz, J Kroon, C Neophytou, ...
Forestry 13 (2), 1-24, 2019
Mandates: European Commission
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