Yueming Zhou
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Cited by
Classical simulations including electron correlations for sequential double ionization
Y Zhou, C Huang, Q Liao, P Lu
Physical Review Letters 109 (5), 053004, 2012
Asymmetric electron energy sharing in strong-field double ionization of helium
Y Zhou, Q Liao, P Lu
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (5), 053402, 2010
Attosecond probing of nuclear dynamics with trajectory-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy
P Lan, M Ruhmann, L He, C Zhai, F Wang, X Zhu, Q Zhang, Y Zhou, M Li, ...
Physical review letters 119 (3), 033201, 2017
Subcycle control of electron-electron correlation in double ionization
L Zhang, X Xie, S Roither, Y Zhou, P Lu, D Kartashov, M Schöffler, ...
Physical Review Letters 112 (19), 193002, 2014
Near-forward rescattering photoelectron holography in strong-field ionization: extraction of the phase of the scattering amplitude
Y Zhou, OI Tolstikhin, T Morishita
Physical Review Letters 116 (17), 173001, 2016
Correlated electron dynamics in nonsequential double ionization by orthogonal two-color laser pulses
Y Zhou, C Huang, A Tong, Q Liao, P Lu
Optics express 19 (3), 2301-2308, 2011
Direct visualization of valence electron motion using strong-field photoelectron holography
M He, Y Li, Y Zhou, M Li, W Cao, P Lu
Physical Review Letters 120 (13), 133204, 2018
Mechanism for high-energy electrons in nonsequential double ionization below the recollision-excitation threshold
Y Zhou, Q Liao, P Lu
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (2), 023412, 2009
Determination of the ionization time using attosecond photoelectron interferometry
J Tan, Y Zhou, M He, Y Chen, Q Ke, J Liang, X Zhu, M Li, P Lu
Physical Review Letters 121 (25), 253203, 2018
Contribution of recollision ionization to the cross-shaped structure in nonsequential double ionization
C Huang, Y Zhou, Q Zhang, P Lu
Optics Express 21 (9), 11382-11390, 2013
Multiphoton Rabi oscillations of correlated electrons in strong-field nonsequential double ionization
Q Liao, Y Zhou, C Huang, P Lu
New Journal of Physics 14 (1), 013001, 2012
Multiple recollisions in strong-field nonsequential double ionization
X Ma, Y Zhou, P Lu
Physical Review A 93 (1), 013425, 2016
Selective enhancement of resonant multiphoton ionization with strong laser fields
M Li, P Zhang, S Luo, Y Zhou, Q Zhang, P Lan, P Lu
Physical Review A 92 (6), 063404, 2015
Photoelectron holographic interferometry to probe the longitudinal momentum offset at the tunnel exit
M Li, H Xie, W Cao, S Luo, J Tan, Y Feng, B Du, W Zhang, Y Li, Q Zhang, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (18), 183202, 2019
Controlling nonsequential double ionization via two-color few-cycle pulses
Y Zhou, Q Liao, Q Zhang, W Hong, P Lu
Optics Express 18 (2), 632-638, 2010
Detecting and characterizing the nonadiabaticity of laser-induced quantum tunneling
K Liu, S Luo, M Li, Y Li, Y Feng, B Du, Y Zhou, P Lu, I Barth
Physical Review Letters 122 (5), 053202, 2019
Temporal and spatial manipulation of the recolliding wave packet in strong-field photoelectron holography
M He, Y Li, Y Zhou, M Li, P Lu
Physical Review A 93 (3), 033406, 2016
Complex sub-laser-cycle electron dynamics in strong-field nonsequential triple ionizaion
Y Zhou, Q Liao, P Lu
Optics Express 18 (15), 16025-16034, 2010
Resolving subcycle electron emission in strong-field sequential double ionization
A Tong, Y Zhou, P Lu
Optics Express 23 (12), 15774-15783, 2015
Coulomb-tail effect of electron-electron interaction on nonsequential double ionization
Y Zhou, C Huang, P Lu
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (2), 023405, 2011
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