Addressing healthcare disparities among sexual minorities K Baptiste-Roberts, E Oranuba, N Werts, LV Edwards Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America 44 (1), 71, 2017 | 194 | 2017 |
Causes of premature death and their associated risk factors in the Golestan Cohort Study, Iran M Nalini, E Oranuba, H Poustchi, SG Sepanlou, A Pourshams, ... BMJ open 8 (7), e021479, 2018 | 51 | 2018 |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as a potential source of carcinogenicity of mate E Oranuba, H Deng, J Peng, SM Dawsey, F Kamangar Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C 36 (3), 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
Sexual minority women: Health care access and utilization K Baptiste-Roberts, E Oranuba, R Muhammad, J Peterson, L Edwards APHA's 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo (Nov. 10-Nov. 14), 2018 | | 2018 |
Multilevel Barriers to Optimizing Care in Underserved Women WK Nicholson Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics 44 (1), xiii-xv, 2017 | | 2017 |
Health and Socioeconomic Well-Being of LBQ Women in the US| 85 K Baptiste-Roberts, E Oranuba, N Werts, LV Edwards | | |