H. V. Rahangdale
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Cited by
The Soreq applied research accelerator facility (SARAF): overview, research programs and future plans
I Mardor, O Aviv, M Avrigeanu, D Berkovits, A Dahan, T Dickel, I Eliyahu, ...
The European Physical Journal A 54, 1-32, 2018
Isotope shifts in : Precision measurements and global analysis in the framework of intermediate coupling
B Ohayon, H Rahangdale, AJ Geddes, JC Berengut, G Ron
Physical Review A 99 (4), 042503, 2019
Determination of subshell-resolved -shell-ionization cross sections of gold induced by 15–40-keV electrons
HV Rahangdale, M Guerra, PK Das, S De, JP Santos, D Mitra, S Saha
Physical Review A 89 (5), 052708, 2014
Weak interaction studies at SARAF
B Ohayon, J Chocron, T Hirsh, A Glick-Magid, Y Mishnayot, I Mukul, ...
Hyperfine Interactions 239, 1-8, 2018
Fundamental symmetries, neutrons, and neutrinos (FSNN): Whitepaper for the 2023 NSAC long range plan
B Acharya, C Adams, AA Aleksandrova, K Alfonso, P An, S Baeßler, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03451, 2023
Decay microscope for trapped neon isotopes
B Ohayon, H Rahangdale, E Parnes, G Perelman, O Heber, G Ron
Physical Review C 101 (3), 035501, 2020
Spectroscopic investigations of L-shell ionization in heavy elements by electron impact
HV Rahangdale, D Mitra, PK Das, S De, M Guerra, JP Santos, S Saha
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 174, 79-87, 2016
Fundamental neutron physics: a white paper on progress and prospects in the US
R Alarcon, A Aleksandrova, S Baeßler, DH Beck, T Bhattacharya, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.09059, 2023
Imaging recoil ions from optical collisions between ultracold, metastable neon isotopes
B Ohayon, H Rahangdale, J Chocron, Y Mishnayot, R Kosloff, O Heber, ...
Physical review letters 123 (6), 063401, 2019
Absolute L-shell ionization and X-ray production cross sections of Lead and Thorium by 16-45 keV electron impact
HV Rahangdale, PK Das, S De, JP Santos, D Mitra, M Guerra, S Saha
arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.02877, 2015
Subshell resolved inner shell ionization cross-sections of High Z elements by electron impact
HV Rahangdale, D Mitra, M Guerra, JP Santos, S Saha
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (5), 052001, 2015
Study of neutron beta decay with the Nab experiment
S Baeßler, H Acharya, R Alarcon, LJ Broussard, M Bowler, D Bowman, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 303, 05001, 2024
Constraining new physics with a novel measurement of the Ne -decay branching ratio
Y Mishnayot, A Glick-Magid, H Rahangdale, G Ron, D Gazit, JT Harke, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.14355, 2021
23Ne production at SARAF-I
Y Mishnayot, H Rahangdale, B Ohayon, S Vaintraub, T Hirsh, ...
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section A: accelerators …, 2020
Branching Ratio measurement in 23Ne Beta Decay
H Rahangdale, Y Mishnayot, B Ohayon, T Hirsh, S Vaintraub, ...
27th Annual Symposium of Helenic Nuclear Physics Society, 31-36, 2018
Overview of the Nab experiment at SNS
H Rahangdale, Nab Collaboration
APS April Meeting Abstracts 2024, T06. 004, 2024
Measurement of neutron beam polarization at SNS
H Rahangdale, Nab Collaboration
APS Division of Nuclear Physics Meeting Abstracts 2024, K10. 005, 2024
Toward attaining near zero neutron beam polarization in the Nab experiment at SNS
H Rahangdale, N Fomin, NC Team
APS Meeting Abstracts, D05. 007, 2023
Neutron flux measurement for beam polarization study at Fundamental neutron Physics Beamline of SNS
H Rahangdale
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 67, 2022
Decay Microscope for aβν measurement in Ne beta decay
H Rahangdale, B Ohayon, G Ron
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 66, 2021
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Articles 1–20