Gustavo Canon
Gustavo Canon
Institute of pavement engineering, TU Dresden
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Modelling and evaluation of aggregate morphology on asphalt compression behavior
P Liu, J Hu, D Wang, M Oeser, S Alber, W Ressel, GC Falla
Construction and Building Materials 133, 196-208, 2017
Primary investigation on the relationship between microstructural characteristics and the mechanical performance of asphalt mixtures with different compaction degrees
P Liu, J Hu, GC Falla, D Wang, S Leischner, M Oeser
Construction and Building Materials 223, 784-793, 2019
Influence of temperature on the mechanical response of asphalt mixtures using microstructural analysis and finite-element simulations
P Liu, J Hu, H Wang, G Canon Falla, D Wang, M Oeser
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (12), 04018327, 2018
Influence of filler properties on the rheological, cryogenic, fatigue and rutting performance of mastics
M Rochlani, S Leischner, GC Falla, D Wang, S Caro, F Wellner
Construction and Building Materials 227, 116974, 2019
Investigation on interface stripping damage at high-temperature using microstructural analysis
J Hu, P Liu, D Wang, M Oeser, G Canon Falla
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 20 (5), 544-556, 2019
Rheological characterisation and modelling of bitumen containing reclaimed components
A Blasl, M Khalili, G Canon Falla, M Oeser, P Liu, F Wellner
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 20 (6), 638-648, 2019
Investigating the performance-related properties of crumb rubber modified bitumen using rheology-based tests
M Rochlani, S Leischner, D Wareham, S Caro, GC Falla, F Wellner
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 23 (3), 877-887, 2022
Numerical investigation of the flow in tandem compressor cascades
GAC Falla
Technische Universität Wien, Diss, 2004
Modeling of Surface Drainage during the Service Life of Asphalt Pavements Showing Long‐Term Rutting: A Modular Hydromechanical Approach
S Alber, B Schuck, W Ressel, R Behnke, G Canon Falla, M Kaliske, ...
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2020 (1), 8793652, 2020
Feasibility study of waste ceramic powder as a filler alternative for asphalt mastics using the DSR
M Rochlani, G Canon Falla, F Wellner, D Wang, Z Fan, S Leischner
Road Materials and Pavement Design 22 (11), 2591-2603, 2021
Numerical investigation of flow interference effects in tandem compressor cascades
GA Canon Falla, R Willinger
Proceedings of ISABE2005, 9, 2005
Mechanical testing and modeling of interlayer bonding in HMA pavements
S Leischner, G Canon Falla, B Gerowski, M Rochlani, F Wellner
Transportation Research Record 2673 (11), 879-890, 2019
Design of thin surfaced asphalt pavements
S Leischner, F Wellner, GC Falla, M Oeser, D Wang
Procedia Engineering 143, 844-853, 2016
Influence of source and ageing on the Rheological properties and fatigue and rutting resistance of bitumen using a DSR
M Rochlani, S Leischner, GC Falla, P Goudar, F Wellner
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on maintenance and …, 2020
Numerical investigation of the flow in tandem compressor cascades
GAF Canon
na, 2004
Analytical Design of Thin Surfaced Asphalt Pavements in Germany
S Leischner, GC Falla, F Wellner, M Oeser
Routes/Roads, 2016
Efficient optimization of design structures using methods of global sensitivity analysis with reduced meta-models
U Reuter, GC Falla, M Liebscher, Z Mehmood
Efficient optimization of structural designs using methods of global sensitivity analysis with reduced meta-models
U Reuter, GC Falla, M Liebscher, Z Mehmood
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Articles 1–18