Dr. Ashutosh Bhardwaj
Cited by
Cited by
Evaluation of topographic index in relation to terrain roughness and DEM grid spacing
S Mukherjee, S Mukherjee, RD Garg, A Bhardwaj, PLN Raju
Journal of Earth System Science 122, 869-886, 2013
Cause and process mechanism of rockslide triggered flood event in Rishiganga and Dhauliganga River Valleys, Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India using satellite remote sensing and in …
P Pandey, P Chauhan, CM Bhatt, PK Thakur, S Kannaujia, PR Dhote, ...
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 49, 1011-1024, 2021
Generation of high-quality digital elevation models by assimilation of remote sensing-based DEMs
A Bhardwaj, K Jain, RS Chatterjee
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 13 (4), 044502-044502, 2019
Morphometric attributes-based soil erosion susceptibility mapping in Dnyanganga watershed of India using individual and ensemble models
N Sadhasivam, A Bhardwaj, HR Pourghasemi, NP Kamaraj
Environmental Earth Sciences 79, 1-28, 2020
A multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approach for landslide susceptibility mapping of a part of Darjeeling District in North-East Himalaya, India
A Saha, VGK Villuri, A Bhardwaj, S Kumar
Applied Sciences 13 (8), 5062, 2023
Development and assessment of GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping models using ANN, Fuzzy-AHP, and MCDA in Darjeeling Himalayas, West Bengal, India
A Saha, VGK Villuri, A Bhardwaj
Land 11 (10), 1711, 2022
Assessment of groundwater depletion–induced land subsidence and characterisation of damaging cracks on houses: A case study in Mohali-Chandigarh area, India
N Kadiyan, RS Chatterjee, P Pranjal, P Agrawal, SK Jain, ML Angurala, ...
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 80, 3217-3231, 2021
Estimation of structural vulnerability for flooding using geospatial tools in the rural area of Orissa, India
PK Thakur, S Maiti, NC Kingma, V Hari Prasad, SP Aggarwal, A Bhardwaj
Natural hazards 61, 501-520, 2012
Accuracy of Cartosat-1 DEM and its derived attribute at multiple scale representation
S Mukherjee, S Mukherjee, A Bhardwaj, A Mukhopadhyay, RD Garg, ...
Journal of Earth System Science 124, 487-495, 2015
Prioritization of Erosion Prone Micro-watersheds using Morphometric Analysis coupled with Multi-Criteria Decision Making
S Nitheshnirmal, A Bhardwaj, C Dineshkumar, S Abdul Rahaman
Proceedings 24 (1), 11, 2019
Assessment of vertical accuracy for TanDEM-X 90 m DEMs in plain, moderate, and rugged terrain
A Bhardwaj
Proceedings 24 (1), 8, 2019
Evaluation of DEM, and orthoimage generated from Cartosat-1 with its potential for feature extraction and visualization
A Bhardwaj
American Journal of Remote Sensing 1 (1), 1-6, 2013
Assimilation of DEMs generated from optical stereo and InSAR pair through data fusion
A Bhardwaj, RS Chatterjee, K Jain
Sci. Res 1 (3), 39-44, 2013
Development and assessment of a novel hybrid machine learning-based landslide susceptibility mapping model in the Darjeeling Himalayas
A Saha, VGK Villuri, A Bhardwaj
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 1-24, 2023
Digital elevation model generation and retrieval of terrain attributes using CARTOSAT-1 stereo data
S Mukherjee, A Mukhopadhyay, A Bhardwaj, A Mondal, S Kundu, S Hazra
International Journal of Science and Technology 2 (5), 265-271, 2012
Phenological monitoring of paddy crop using time series modis data
C Dineshkumar, S Nitheshnirmal, A Bhardwaj, KN Priyadarshini
Proceedings 24 (1), 19, 2019
Estimation of building heights and DEM accuracy assessment using ICESat-2 data products
GPS Goud, A Bhardwaj
Engineering Proceedings 10 (1), 37, 2021
Building extraction from very high resolution stereo satellite images using OBIA and topographic information
M Kumar, A Bhardwaj
Environmental Sciences Proceedings 4 (1), 2020
Investigating the Terrain Complexity from ATL06 ICESat-2 Data for Terrain Elevation and Its Use for Assessment of Openly Accessible InSAR Based DEMs in Parts of Himalaya’s
A Bhardwaj
Engineering Proceedings 10 (1), 65, 2021
Radio frequency interference pattern detection from Sentinel-1 SAR data using UNet-like convolutional neural network
O Saini, A Bhardwaj, RS Chatterjee
MOL2NET, International Conference Series on Multidisciplinary Sciences …, 2020
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Articles 1–20