Kyle Rozman
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Cited by
Machine‐Learning Microstructure for Inverse Material Design
Z Pei, KA Rozman, ÖN Doğan, Y Wen, N Gao, EA Holm, JA Hawk, ...
Advanced Science 8 (23), 2101207, 2021
Fatigue crack growth behavior of nickel-base superalloy haynes 282 at 550-750 C
KA Rozman, JJ Kruzic, JA Hawk
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 24, 2841-2846, 2015
Long-term creep behavior of a CoCrFeNiMn high-entropy alloy
KA Rozman, M Detrois, T Liu, MC Gao, PD Jablonski, JA Hawk
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 29, 5822-5839, 2020
Diffusion bonding of h230 ni-superalloy for application in microchannel heat exchanger
M Kapoor, K Rozman, O Dogan, J Hawk, R Saranam, P McNeff, B Paul
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV …, 2016
Creep performance of transient liquid phase bonded haynes 230 alloy
KA Rozman, MA Carl, M Kapoor, ÖN Doğan, JA Hawk
Materials Science and Engineering: A 768, 138477, 2019
Effect of Specimen Thickness on the Degradation of Mechanical Properties of Ferritic-Martensitic P91 Steel by Direct-fired Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle …
SR Akanda, RP Oleksak, R Repukaiti, KA Rozman, ÖN Doğan
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 52, 82-93, 2021
Fatigue crack growth mechanisms for nickel-based superalloy Haynes 282 at 550-750 C
KA Rozman, JJ Kruzic, JS Sears, JA Hawk
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 24, 3699-3707, 2015
Improved creep and tensile properties of a corrosion resistant Ni-Based superalloy using high temperature aging and Nb/Ta additions
M Detrois, S Antonov, KA Rozman, JA Hawk, PD Jablonski
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 53 (7), 2600-2613, 2022
Creep of MARBN-type 9Cr martensitic steel in gaseous CO2 environment
KA Rozman, RP Oleksak, ÖN Doğan, M Detrois, PD Jablonski, JA Hawk
Materials Science and Engineering: A 826, 141996, 2021
Effect of thickness on degradation of austenitic 347H steel by direct-fired supercritical CO2 power cycle environment
SR Akanda, RP Oleksak, R Repukaiti, KA Rozman, ÖN Doğan
Corrosion Science 192, 109795, 2021
Implications of carbon content for the processing, stability, and mechanical properties of cast and wrought Ni-based superalloy Nimonic 105
S Antonov, KA Rozman, PD Jablonski, M Detrois
Materials Science and Engineering: A 857, 144049, 2022
Materials performance in supercritical CO2 in comparison with atmospheric pressure CO2 and supercritical steam
G Holcomb, J Hawk, K Rozman, O Dogan, C Carney
National Energy Technology Lab.(NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, and Morgantown, WV …, 2016
Partitioning of tramp elements Cu and Si in a Ni-based superalloy and their effect on creep properties
M Detrois, Z Pei, KA Rozman, MC Gao, JD Poplawsky, PD Jablonski, ...
Materialia 13, 100843, 2020
Mechanical Performance of Various INCONEL® 740/740H Alloy Compositions for Use in A-USC Castings
KA Rozman, M Detrois, PD Jablonski, JA Hawk
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 …, 2018
Compositional Design and Mechanical Properties of INCONEL® Alloy 725 Variants
M Detrois, KA Rozman, PD Jablonski, JA Hawk
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 …, 2018
Effect of 730 C supercritical fluid exposure on the fatigue threshold of Ni-based superalloy haynes 282
KA Rozman, GR Holcomb, CS Carney, ÖN Doğan, JJ Kruzic, JA Hawk
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 28, 4335-4347, 2019
Characterization of high temperature fatigue mechanisms in Haynes 282 nickel based superalloy
KA Rozman
Long-Term Creep Behavior of a CoCrFeNi Medium-Entropy Alloy
KA Rozman, M Detrois, MC Gao, PD Jablonski, JA Hawk
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 31 (11), 9220-9235, 2022
An alternative casting technique to improve the creep resistance of cast Inconel alloy 740H
M Detrois, KA Rozman, PD Jablonski, JA Hawk
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 51, 3819-3831, 2020
Practical challenges and failure modes during fabrication of Haynes 230 micro-pin solar receivers for high temperature supercritical carbon dioxide operation
PS McNeff, BK Paul, ON Dogan, KA Rozman, S Kissick, H Wang, ...
Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR (United States), 2019
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Articles 1–20