Klaus Lütjens
Klaus Lütjens
Other namesKlaus Luetjens
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Estimation of the market potential for supersonic airliners via analysis of the global premium ticket market
B Liebhardt, V Gollnick, K Luetjens
11th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference …, 2011
Exploring the prospect of small supersonic airliners-a case study based on the aerion AS2 jet
B Liebhardt, K Lütjens, RR Tracy, AO Haas
17th AIAA aviation technology, integration, and operations conference, 3588, 2017
From passenger growth to aircraft movements
K Kölker, P Bießlich, K Lütjens
Journal of air transport management 56, 99-106, 2016
Using genetic algorithms to solve large-scale airline network planning problems
K Kölker, K Lütjens
Transportation research procedia 10, 900-909, 2015
An analysis of the market environment for supersonic business jets
B Liebhardt, K Lütjens
DLRK Tagungsband 2011: 60. Deutscher Luft-und Raumfahrtkongress in Bremen, 2011
JAXA's S4 supersonic low-boom airliner–a collaborative study on aircraft design, sonic boom simulation, and market prospects
B Liebhardt, K Lütjens, A Ueno, H Ishikawa
AIAA Aviation 2020 Forum, 2731, 2020
How to support the economic recovery of aviation after COVID-19?
J Scheelhaase, D Ennen, B Frieske, K Lütjens, S Maertens, F Wozny
Transportation Research Procedia 62, 767-773, 2022
A system dynamics approach to airport modeling
P Biesslich, MR Schroeder, V Gollnick, K Lütjens
14th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, 2159, 2014
An explanatory approach to modeling the fleet assignment in the global air transportation system
M Kühlen, K Lütjens, F Linke, V Gollnick
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 14 (1), 255-269, 2023
Evaluating temporal integration of european air transport
S Lehner, K Kölker, K Lütjens
29Th congress of the international council of the aeronautical sciences …, 2014
A hierarchical metamodeling approach for airline costs
P Bießlich, K Wegmann, K Lütjens, V Gollnick
Journal of air transport management 71, 193-200, 2018
Approach to forecast air-traffic movements at capacity-constrained airports
S Wenzel, K Kölker, P Bießlich, K Lütjens
Journal of aircraft 52 (5), 1710-1715, 2015
From passenger itineraries to climate impact: Analyzing the implications of a new mid-range aircraft on the global air transportation system
M Kühlen, K Kölker, F Linke, K Dahlmann, V Gollnick, K Lütjens
Journal of Air Transport Management 113, 102474, 2023
Foam-from passenger growth to aircraft movements
K Kölker, P Bießlich, K Lütjens
18th World Conference of the Air-Transport-Research-Society (ATRS), 2014
Airport2030-Lösungen für den effizienten Lufttransport der Zukunft
KH Lütjens, A Lau, T Pfeiffer, S Loth, V Gollnick, H Klimek, B Greßmann, ...
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft-und Raumfahrt-Lilienthal-Oberth eV, 2012
Flight frequency regulation and its temporal implications
F Presto, V Gollnick, A Lau, K Lütjens
Transport Policy 116, 106-118, 2022
Sensitivity study and primary boom carpet assessment for conceptual low boom supersonic transport
H Ishikawa, A Ueno, S Koganezawa, Y Makino, B Liebhardt, K Lütjens
AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 0608, 2021
Approach of modeling passengers’ commuting behavior for UAM traffic in Hamburg, Germany
J Pertz, K Lütjens, V Gollnick
Proceedings of the 25th ATRS World Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, 24-27, 2022
Assessing Quality of Air Travel Using the Impact of Frequency, Travel Time and Number of Transfers on Passenger Demand
K Kölker, R Ghosh, K Lütjens
Analyzing global passenger flows based on choice modeling in the air transportation system
K Kölker, K Lütjens, V Gollnick
Journal of Air Transport Management 115, 102530, 2024
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Articles 1–20