Petr Haušild
Petr Haušild
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague
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Characterization of strain-induced martensitic transformation in a metastable austenitic stainless steel
P Haušild, V Davydov, J Drahokoupil, M Landa, P Pilvin
Materials & Design 31 (4), 1821-1827, 2010
Electron backscattering diffraction analysis of secondary cleavage cracks in a reactor pressure vessel steel
J Nohava, P Haušild, M Karlık, P Bompard
Materials Characterization 49 (3), 211-217, 2002
The influence of ductile tearing on fracture energy in the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature range
P Haušild, I Nedbal, C Berdin, C Prioul
Materials Science and Engineering: A 335 (1-2), 164-174, 2002
Prediction of cleavage fracture for a low-alloy steel in the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature range
P Haušild, C Berdin, P Bompard
Materials Science and Engineering: A 391 (1-2), 188-197, 2005
Strength enhancement of high entropy alloy HfNbTaTiZr by severe plastic deformation
J Čížek, P Haušild, M Cieslar, O Melikhova, T Vlasák, M Janeček, R Král, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 768, 924-937, 2018
Characterization of strain-induced martensitic transformation in A301 stainless steel by Barkhausen noise measurement
P Haušild, K Kolařík, M Karlík
Materials & Design 44, 548-554, 2013
Small punch test evaluation methods for material characterisation
A Janča, J Siegl, P Haušild
Journal of Nuclear Materials 481, 201-213, 2016
Stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of austenitic stainless steels in supercritical water conditions
R Novotny, P Hähner, J Siegl, P Haušild, S Ripplinger, S Penttilä, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 409 (2), 117-123, 2011
Statistical scatter in the fracture toughness and Charpy impact energy of pearlitic steel
B Strnadel, P Haušild
Materials Science and Engineering: A 486 (1-2), 208-214, 2008
Influence of crack orientation on the ductile–brittle behavior in Fe–3 wt.% Si single crystals
A Spielmannová, M Landa, A Machová, P Haušild, P Lejček
Materials Characterization 58 (10), 892-900, 2007
Mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered FeAl intermetallics
T Skiba, P Haušild, M Karlík, K Vanmeensel, J Vleugels
Intermetallics 18 (7), 1410-1414, 2010
On the identification of stress–strain relation by instrumented indentation with spherical indenter
P Haušild, A Materna, J Nohava
Materials & Design 37, 373-378, 2012
Examination of Berkovich indenter tip bluntness
J Čech, P Haušild, O Kovářík, A Materna
Materials & Design 109, 347-353, 2016
High Cr ODS steels performance under supercritical water environment
R Novotný, P Janík, S Penttilä, P Hähner, J Macák, J Siegl, P Haušild
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 81, 147-156, 2013
Ductile–brittle behavior at the (1 1 0)[0 0 1] crack in bcc iron crystals loaded in mode I
J Prahl, A Machová, A Spielmannová, M Karlík, M Landa, P Haušild, ...
Engineering fracture mechanics 77 (2), 184-192, 2010
Fracture of Fe–3 wt.% Si single crystals
J Prahl, A Machová, M Landa, P Haušild, M Karlík, A Spielmannová, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 462 (1-2), 178-182, 2007
Ductile fracture of duplex stainless steel with casting defects
P Haušild, C Berdin, P Bompard, N Verdière
International journal of pressure vessels and piping 78 (9), 607-616, 2001
Comparison of isolated indentation and grid indentation methods for HVOF sprayed cermets
J Nohava, P Haušild, Š Houdková, R Enžl
Journal of thermal spray technology 21, 651-658, 2012
Fatigue properties of Fe–Al intermetallic coatings prepared by plasma spraying
R Mušálek, O Kovářík, T Skiba, P Haušild, M Karlik, J Colmenares-Angulo
Intermetallics 18 (7), 1415-1418, 2010
The influence of substrate temperature on properties of APS and VPS W coatings
O Kovářík, P Haušild, J Siegl, T Chráska, J Matějíček, Z Pala, M Boulos
Surface and Coatings Technology 268, 7-14, 2015
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Articles 1–20