Leena Merdad
Leena Merdad
King Abdulaziz University
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Sleep quantity, quality, and insomnia symptoms of medical students during clinical years: relationship with stress and academic performance
MA Alsaggaf, SO Wali, RA Merdad, LA Merdad
Saudi medical journal 37 (2), 173, 2016
The orphan nuclear estrogen receptor–related receptor α (Errα) is expressed throughout osteoblast differentiation and regulates bone formation in vitro
E Bonnelye, L Merdad, V Kung, JE Aubin
Journal of Cell Biology 153 (5), 971-984, 2001
Timing of maternal death: levels, trends, and ecological correlates using sibling data from 34 sub-Saharan African countries
L Merdad, MM Ali
PloS one 13 (1), e0189416, 2018
Do children’s previous dental experience and fear affect their perceived oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL)?
L Merdad, AA El-Housseiny
BMC Oral Health 17, 1-9, 2017
Sleep habits in adolescents of Saudi Arabia; distinct patterns and extreme sleep schedules
RA Merdad, LA Merdad, RA Nassif, D El-Derwi, SO Wali
Sleep medicine 15 (11), 1370-1378, 2014
Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of dentists regarding child physical abuse in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
M Mogaddam, I Kamal, L Merdad, N Alamoudi
Child Abuse & Neglect 54, 43-56, 2016
Prevalence of obesity in elementary school children and its association with dental caries
DJ Farsi, HM Elkhodary, LA Merdad, NMA Farsi, SM Alaki, NM Alamoudi, ...
Saudi medical journal 37 (12), 1387, 2016
Patterns, knowledge, and barriers of mammography use among women in Saudi Arabia
RK Al-Wassia, NJ Farsi, LA Merdad, SK Hagi
Saudi medical journal 38 (9), 913, 2017
Improving the measurement of maternal mortality: the sisterhood method revisited
L Merdad, K Hill, W Graham
PloS one 8 (4), e59834, 2013
Assessment of knowledge about biobanking among healthcare students and their willingness to donate biospecimens
L Merdad, L Aldakhil, R Gadi, M Assidi, SY Saddick, A Abuzenadah, ...
BMC Medical Ethics 18, 1-11, 2017
Smoking habits among Saudi female university students: prevalence, influencing factors and risk awareness
LA Merdad, MS Al-Zahrani, JMA Farsi
Annals of Saudi Medicine 27 (5), 366-369, 2007
Uptake of breast and cervical cancer screening in four Gulf Cooperation Council countries
VHT So, AA Channon, MM Ali, L Merdad, S Al Sabahi, H Al Suwaidi, ...
European Journal of Cancer Prevention 28 (5), 451-456, 2019
Knowledge of genetics and attitudes toward genetic testing among college students in Saudi Arabia
D Olwi, L Merdad, E Ramadan
Public health genomics 19 (5), 260-268, 2016
Caries risk assessment in preschool children in Saudi Arabia
N Farsi, L Merdad, S Mirdad
Oral Health Prev Dent 11 (3), 271-80, 2013
Socioeconomic variations in risky sexual behavior among adolescents in 14 sub-Saharan Africa countries who report ever having had sex
MM Ali, L Merdad, S Bellizzi
International Journal for Equity in Health 20, 1-7, 2021
Human papillomavirus knowledge and vaccine acceptability among male medical students in Saudi Arabia
NJ Farsi, AH Baharoon, AE Jiffri, HZ Marzouki, MA Merdad, LA Merdad
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 17 (7), 1968-1974, 2021
Frequency of sleep disorders in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
M Mustafa, Y Bawazir, L Merdad, S Wali, S Attar, O Fathaldin, S Bahlas, ...
Open access rheumatology: Research and Reviews, 163-171, 2019
Effect of child and parent characteristics on child dental fear ratings: analysis of short and full versions of children’s fear survey schedule-dental subscale
AA El-Housseiny, LA Merdad, NM Alamoudi, NM Farsi
Oral Health Dent Manag 14 (1), 9-16, 2015
Thalassemia: a prevalent disease yet unknown term among college students in Saudi Arabia
DI Olwi, LA Merdad, EK Ramadan
Journal of community genetics 9, 277-282, 2018
Knowledge of human papillomavirus (HPV) and oropharyngeal cancer and acceptability of the HPV vaccine among dental students
NJ Farsi, S Al Sharif, M Al Qathmi, M Merdad, H Marzouki, L Merdad
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP 21 (12), 3595, 2020
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Articles 1–20