Liang Hong
Liang Hong
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Stress-driven lithium dendrite growth mechanism and dendrite mitigation by electroplating on soft substrates
X Wang, W Zeng, L Hong, W Xu, H Yang, F Wang, H Duan, M Tang, ...
Nature Energy 3 (3), 227-235, 2018
Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite–bacterial cellulose nanocomposites
YZ Wan, L Hong, SR Jia, Y Huang, Y Zhu, YL Wang, HJ Jiang
Composites Science and Technology 66 (11-12), 1825-1832, 2006
Hydroxyapatite/bacterial cellulose composites synthesized via a biomimetic route
L Hong, YL Wang, SR Jia, Y Huang, C Gao, YZ Wan
Materials letters 60 (13-14), 1710-1713, 2006
A phase-field model coupled with large elasto-plastic deformation: application to lithiated silicon electrodes
L Chen, F Fan, L Hong, J Chen, YZ Ji, SL Zhang, T Zhu, LQ Chen
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161 (11), F3164, 2014
Two-dimensional lithium diffusion behavior and probable hybrid phase transformation kinetics in olivine lithium iron phosphate
L Hong, L Li, YK Chen-Wiegart, J Wang, K Xiang, L Gan, W Li, F Meng, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1194, 2017
Nanovoid formation and annihilation in gallium nanodroplets under lithiation–delithiation cycling
W Liang, L Hong, H Yang, FF Fan, Y Liu, H Li, J Li, JY Huang, LQ Chen, ...
Nano letters 13 (11), 5212-5217, 2013
Interaction of O vacancies and domain structures in single crystal : Two-dimensional ferroelectric model
L Hong, AK Soh, QG Du, JY Li
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (9), 094104, 2008
Accommodating High Transformation Strains in Battery Electrodes via the Formation of Nanoscale Intermediate Phases: Operando Investigation of Olivine NaFePO4
K Xiang, W Xing, DB Ravnsbæk, L Hong, M Tang, Z Li, KM Wiaderek, ...
Nano letters 17 (3), 1696-1702, 2017
Facilitation of ferroelectric switching via mechanical manipulation of hierarchical nanoscale domain structures
Z Chen, L Hong, F Wang, SP Ringer, LQ Chen, H Luo, X Liao
Physical review letters 118 (1), 017601, 2017
Interface and surface effects on ferroelectric nano-thin films
L Hong, AK Soh, YC Song, LC Lim
Acta materialia 56 (13), 2966-2974, 2008
GEM: scalable and flexible gene–environment interaction analysis in millions of samples
KE Westerman, DT Pham, L Hong, Y Chen, M Sevilla-González, YJ Sung, ...
Bioinformatics 37 (20), 3514-3520, 2021
A mechanism of defect-enhanced phase transformation kinetics in lithium iron phosphate olivine
L Hong, K Yang, M Tang
Npj computational materials 5 (1), 118, 2019
Piezoelectric enhancement of ferroelectric superlattices through domain engineering
L Hong, P Wu, Y Li, V Gopalan, CB Eom, DG Schlom, LQ Chen
Physical Review B 90 (17), 174111, 2014
Effects of film thickness and mismatch strains on magnetoelectric coupling in vertical heteroepitaxial nanocomposite thin films
HT Chen, L Hong, AK Soh
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (9), 2011
Phase-field modeling of the influence of domain structures on the electrocaloric effects in PbTiO3 thin films
JY Lee, AK Soh, HT Chen, L Hong
Journal of Materials Science 50, 1382-1393, 2015
Anisotropic Li intercalation in a Li x FePO 4 nano-particle: a spectral smoothed boundary phase-field model
L Hong, L Liang, S Bhattacharyya, W Xing, LQ Chen
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (14), 9537-9543, 2016
Interdiffusion across solid electrolyte-electrode interface
JM Hu, L Liang, Y Ji, L Hong, K Gerdes, LQ Chen
Applied Physics Letters 104 (21), 2014
Chemo-mechanical behavior of highly anisotropic and isotropic polycrystalline graphite particles during lithium intercalation
K Taghikhani, PJ Weddle, JR Berger, RJ Kee
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (11), 110554, 2020
Unique vortex and stripe domain structures in PbTiO3 epitaxial nanodots
L Hong, AK Soh
Mechanics of materials 43 (6), 342-347, 2011
Vortex structure transformation of BaTiO3 nanoparticles through the gradient function
L Hong, AK Soh, SY Liu, L Lu
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (2), 2009
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Articles 1–20