desti ranihusna
desti ranihusna
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Efek rantai motivasi pada kinerja karyawan
D Ranihusna
JDM (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen) 1 (2), 2010
Strategi perencanaan sdm untuk peningkatan daya saing UMKM batik Semarang
NA Wulansari, D Ranihusna, I Maftukhah
A model for enhancing innovative work behavior
D Ranihusna, AS Nugroho, S Ridloah, VW Putri, NA Wulansari
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 747 (1), 012039, 2021
Perubahan jabatan: dampaknya pada kinerja dan kesejahteraan
S Sukamtono, D Ranihusna, R Widyastuti
JBMI (Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen, Dan Informatika) 18 (3), 197-216, 2022
Role conflict relationships that can increase the satisfaction of hospital nurses
D Ranihusna, NA Wulansari, DK Asiari
KnE Social Sciences, 1231–1241-1231–1241, 2020
Reducing the role conflict of working woman: between work and family centrality
D Ranihusna, NA Wulansari
JDM (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen) 6 (2), 2015
Effect of mediation work engagement to leader member exchange and job insecurity on innovative work behavior
RA Kurniawan, D Ranihusna
Management Analysis Journal 8 (4), 414-424, 2019
Public health personnel’s performance: The role of perceived organizational support and work engagement
D Ranihusna, UA Ulfa, S Wartini
JDM (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen) 12 (1), 123-131, 2021
Pengaruh karakteristik pekerjaan, budaya organisasi, dan kepuasan kerja pada komitmen organisasional
S Martono, GS Dirgantoro, D Ranihusna
Jurnal studi manajemen organisasi 14 (2), 11, 2017
A model for enhancing innovative work behavior
AS Nugroho, D Ranihusna
Management Analysis Journal 9 (2), 132-139, 2020
Build the positive work environment with work engagement
SM Sari, D Ranihusna
Management Analysis Journal 8 (3), 340-349, 2019
Reduction effect of technostress with role of perceived organizational support
NA Wulansari, D Ranihusna, RS Witiastuti
IJABER 13 (7), 5159-5171, 2015
The role of knowledge management in MSMEs business performance
NA Wulansari, D Ranihusna, AP Wijaya
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 485 (1), 012059, 2020
The Effects of Organizational Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Using Perceived Organizational Support as Mediation
NA Wulansari, D Ranihusna, VW Putri, G Wijayanto
Advanced Science Letters 23 (8), 7306-7308, 2017
Healthcare personel's performance: The role of job crafting and work engagement
D Ranihusna, UA Ulfa, NA Wulansari
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis 25 (2), 415-434, 2022
Strategic Priorities of Green Companies in Indonesia
S Ridloah, NA Wulansari, D Ranihusna
Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide Dan Inspirasi 7 (1), 1-10, 2020
Organizational Commitment As Intervening Variable of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation to Organizational Citizenship Behavior
D Ranihusna
KnE Social Sciences, 333–346-333–346, 2018
Reduction effect of technostress with role of perceived organizational support
D Ranihusna, NA Wulansari, RS Witiastuti
International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 13 (7), 5159 …, 2015
Pengaruh Motivasi dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Prestasi Kerja karyawan PT. Kereta Api (Persero) Daerah Operasional IV Semarang
D Ranihusna
Tesis. Program Pascasarjana. Universitas Negri Semarang, 2007
Effect of Work Environment Ethics and Organizational Justice on Employment Engagement through Organizational Trust in Inspired Health Centers, Magelang Regency
BA Indoyo, D Ranihusna
Management Analysis Journal 11 (1), 30-38, 2022
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Articles 1–20