B. Andrew Chupp
B. Andrew Chupp
Indiana University, School of Public and Environmental Affairs
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Cited by
Fiscal federalism and interjurisdictional externalities: New results and an application to US Air pollution
HS Banzhaf, BA Chupp
Journal of Public Economics 96 (5-6), 449-464, 2012
The impact of trading on the costs and benefits of the Acid Rain Program
HR Chan, BA Chupp, ML Cropper, NZ Muller
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 88, 180-209, 2018
Environmental constituent interest, green electricity policies, and legislative voting
BA Chupp
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 62 (2), 254-266, 2011
Stadium alcohol availability and baseball attendance: Evidence from a natural experiment
A Chupp, EF Stephenson, R Taylor
International Journal of Sport Finance 2 (2), 36-44, 2007
Optimal wind portfolios in Illinois
BA Chupp, E Hickey, DG Loomis
The Electricity Journal 25 (1), 46-56, 2012
Political interaction in the senate: estimating a political “spatial” weights matrix and an application to lobbying behavior
BA Chupp
Public Choice 160, 521-538, 2014
Monetary decentralization in the United States: is there a case for multiple currencies?
BA Chupp
Journal of Economic Studies 43 (4), 535-548, 2016
The Incidence of Hybrid Automobile Tax Preferences
BA Chupp, K Myles, EF Stephenson
Public Finance Review 38 (1), 120-133, 2010
Federal and State environmental policy: environmental federalism, strategic interaction, and constituent interest
BA Chupp
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
HR Chan, BA Chupp, ML Cropper, NZ Muller
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 88, 180-209, 2018
Spillovers and Taxes: What Drives Strategic Competition in Environmental Policies?
BA Chupp
Illinois State University, Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 2011
Cars and Hybrids and SUV’s, Oh My! An Investigation of Automobile Emissions Policies in a Behavioral Framework
BA Chupp
Illinois State University Department of Economics
BA Chupp, E Hickey, DG Loomis
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Articles 1–13