Carla Mouro
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Cited by
Understanding people's ideas on natural resource management: research on social representations of nature
A Buijs, T Hovardas, H Figari, P Castro, P Devine-Wright, A Fischer, ...
Society & Natural Resources 25 (11), 1167-1181, 2012
Corporate social responsibility: Mapping its social meaning
A Patrícia Duarte, C Mouro, J Gonçalves das Neves
Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management 8 (2 …, 2010
Psycho-social processes in dealing with legal innovation in the community: Insights from biodiversity conservation
P Castro, C Mouro
American journal of community psychology 47, 362-373, 2011
Cognitive polyphasia in the reception of legal innovations for biodiversity conservation
C Mouro, P Castro
Papers on Social Representations 21 (1), 3.1-3.21, 2012
Organisational climate and pro-environmental behaviours at work: the mediating role of personal norms
C Mouro, AP Duarte
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 635739, 2021
‘Imagining ourselves’ as participating publics: An example from biodiversity conservation
P Castro, C Mouro
Public Understanding of Science 25 (7), 858-872, 2016
The conservation of biodiversity in protected areas: Comparing the presentation of legal innovations in the national and the regional press
P Castro, C Mouro, R Gouveia
Society & Natural Resources 25 (6), 539-555, 2012
Local communities responding to ecological challenges—A psycho‐social approach to the Natura 2000 Network
C Mouro, P Castro
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 20 (2), 139-155, 2010
Children's perceptions of group variability as a function of status
A Guinote, C Mouro, MH Pereira, MB Monteiro
International Journal of Behavioral Development 31 (2), 97, 2007
Environmental corporate social responsibility and workplace pro-environmental behaviors: person-organization fit and organizational Identification’s sequential mediation
AP Duarte, C Mouro
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (16), 10355, 2022
Self–other relations in biodiversity conservation in the community: representational processes and adjustment to new actions
C Mouro, P Castro
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 26 (4), 340-353, 2016
Estratégias de gestão da identidade e percepção de variabilidade intragrupal em adolescentes portugueses de origem cabo-verdiana
C Mouro
Pro-environmental Behaviours at work: the interactive role of norms and attitudinal ambivalence
C Mouro, V Lomba, AP Duarte
Sustainability 13 (21), 12003, 2021
Waste separation—Who cares? Organizational climate and supervisor support’s role in promoting pro-environmental behaviors in the workplace
A Costa, C Mouro, AP Duarte
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 1082155, 2022
I Feel Safe Doing It! Prevalence, risk perception, and motives for risky driving in Portugal
AP Duarte, C Mouro
Portuguese Journal of Public Health 37 (2-3), 82-90, 2020
Redesigning nature and managing risk: Social representation, change and resistance
P Castro, S Batel, H Devine-Wright, N Kronberger, C Mouro, K Weiss, ...
Environment, health and sustainable development, 227-241, 2010
A multilevel approach to energy options across EU: The role of supra-national governance, values and trust
C Mouro, P Castro, N Kronberger, P Duarte
Revue internationale de psychologie sociale 26 (3), 73-95, 2013
Estatuto, identidade étnica e percepção de variabilidade nas crianças
C Mouro, MB Monteiro, A Guinote
Psicologia 16 (2), 387-408, 2002
Crenças dos educadores sobre infância, aprendizagem e escolarização das crianças em contextos escolares multiétnicos
LR Carvalho, C Mouro, J António, MB Monteiro
Psicologia 16 (2), 325-350, 2002
Past-present discontinuity in ecological change and marine governance: An integrated narrative approach to artisanal fishing
C Mouro, T Santos, P Castro
Marine Policy 97, 163-169, 2018
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Articles 1–20