Theodore J. Zenzal Jr.
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Cited by
Fat, weather, and date affect migratory songbirds’ departure decisions, routes, and time it takes to cross the Gulf of Mexico
JL Deppe, MP Ward, RT Bolus, RH Diehl, A Celis-Murillo, TJ Zenzal Jr, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (46), E6331-E6338, 2015
Estimating apparent survival of songbirds crossing the Gulf of Mexico during autumn migration
MP Ward, TJ Benson, J Deppe, TJ Zenzal Jr, RH Diehl, A Celis-Murillo, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 (1889), 20181747, 2018
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris), version 1.0
S Weidensaul, TR Robinson, RR Sargent, MB Sargent, TJ Zenzal
Birds of the World (PG Rodewald, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca …, 2020
Stopover biology of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) during autumn migration
TJ Zenzal Jr, FR Moore
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 133 (2), 237-250, 2016
Spring resource phenology and timing of songbird migration across the Gulf of Mexico
EB Cohen, Z Németh, TJ Zenzal Jr, KL Paxton, R Diehl, EH Paxton, ...
Phenological synchrony and bird migration: changing climate and seasonal …, 2015
The impact of radio-tags on Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris)
TJ Zenzal Jr, RH Diehl, FR Moore
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 116 (4), 518-526, 2014
Competition and Habitat Quality Influence Age and Sex Distribution in Wintering Rusty Blackbirds
C Mettke-Hofmann, PB Hamel, G Hofmann, TJ Zenzal Jr., A Pellegrini, ...
PLoS ONE 10 (5), 2015
Using automated radio telemetry to quantify activity patterns of songbirds during stopover
LN Schofield, JL Deppe, TJ Zenzal Jr, MP Ward, RH Diehl, RT Bolus, ...
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 135 (4), 949-963, 2018
Body mass and wing shape explain variability in broad-scale bird species distributions of migratory passerines along an ecological barrier during stopover
JJ Buler, RJ Lyon, JA Smolinsky, TJ Zenzal, FR Moore
Oecologia 185, 205-212, 2017
Observations of predation and anti-predator behavior of rubythroated hummingbirds during migratory stopover
TJ Zenzal, AC Fish, TM Jones, EA Ospina, FR Moore
Southeastern Naturalist 12 (4), 2013
Effect of fuel deposition rate on departure fuel load of migratory songbirds during spring stopover along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico
FR Moore, KM Covino, WB Lewis, TJ Zenzal Jr, TJ Benson
Journal of Avian Biology 48 (1), 123-132, 2017
Swainson’s Thrushes do not show strong wind selectivity prior to crossing the Gulf of Mexico
RT Bolus, RH Diehl, FR Moore, JL Deppe, MP Ward, J Smolinsky, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 14280, 2017
Songbirds are resilient to hurricane disturbed habitats during spring migration
EJ Lain, TJ Zenzal Jr, FR Moore, WC Barrow Jr, RH Diehl
Journal of Avian Biology 48 (6), 815-826, 2017
Migratory hummingbirds make their own rules: the decision to resume migration along a barrier
TJ Zenzal Jr, FR Moore, RH Diehl, MP Ward, JL Deppe
Animal Behaviour 137, 215-224, 2018
Temporal migration patterns between natal locations of ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) and their Gulf Coast stopover site
TJ Zenzal, AJ Contina, JF Kelly, FR Moore
Movement ecology 6, 1-7, 2018
Occurrence of quiescence in free-ranging migratory songbirds
LN Schofield, JL Deppe, RH Diehl, MP Ward, RT Bolus, TJ Zenzal, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72, 1-14, 2018
Fine-scale heterogeneity drives forest use by spring migrant landbirds across a broad, contiguous forest matrix
TJ Zenzal Jr, RJ Smith, DN Ewert, RH Diehl, JJ Buler
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 120 (1), 166-184, 2018
Retreat, detour or advance? Understanding the movements of birds confronting the Gulf of Mexico
TJ Zenzal Jr, MP Ward, RH Diehl, JJ Buler, J Smolinsky, JL Deppe, ...
Oikos 130 (5), 739-752, 2021
An Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) Transporting Snails During Spring Migration
TJ Zenzal Jr, EJ Lain, JM Sellers Jr
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129 (4), 898-902, 2017
Potential effect of low-rise, downcast artificial lights on nocturnally migrating land birds
SA Cabrera-Cruz, RP Larkin, ME Gimpel, JG Gruber, TJ Zenzal Jr, ...
Integrative and Comparative Biology 61 (3), 1216-1236, 2021
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Articles 1–20