perrochet pierre
perrochet pierre
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Groundwater age
GA Kazemi, JH Lehr, P Perrochet
John Wiley & Sons, 2006
A quantitative method for the characterisation of karst aquifers based on spring hydrograph analysis
A Kovács, P Perrochet, L Király, PY Jeannin
Journal of hydrology 303 (1-4), 152-164, 2005
On the primary variable switching technique for simulating unsaturated–saturated flows
HJG Diersch, P Perrochet
Advances in Water Resources 23 (3), 271-301, 1999
Comparing two methods for addressing uncertainty in risk assessments
D Guyonnet, B Côme, P Perrochet, A Parriaux
Journal of environmental engineering 125 (7), 660-666, 1999
Groundwater age, life expectancy and transit time distributions in advective–dispersive systems: 1. Generalized reservoir theory
F Cornaton, P Perrochet
Advances in Water resources 29 (9), 1267-1291, 2006
Groundwater waves in aquifers of intermediate depths
P Nielsen, R Aseervatham, JD Fenton, P Perrochet
Advances in Water Resources 20 (1), 37-43, 1997
Geometry and hydraulic parameters of karst aquifers: a hydrodynamic modeling approach
A Kovács
These de Doctorat, CHYN, Univ. de Neuchâtel, 2003
Using sparse polynomial chaos expansions for the global sensitivity analysis of groundwater lifetime expectancy in a multi-layered hydrogeological model
G Deman, K Konakli, B Sudret, J Kerrou, P Perrochet, ...
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 147, 156-169, 2016
A quantitative approach to spring hydrograph decomposition
A Kovács, P Perrochet
Journal of hydrology 352 (1-2), 16-29, 2008
Watertable dynamics under capillary fringes: experiments and modelling
P Nielsen, P Perrochet
Advances in Water Resources 23 (5), 503-515, 2000
Effect of the epikarst on the hydrograph of karst springs: a numerical approach
L Kiraly, P Perrochet, Y Rossier
Bulletin d'hydrogéologie, 199-220, 1995
Direct simulation of groundwater transit-time distributions using the reservoir theory
D Etcheverry, P Perrochet
Hydrogeology Journal 8, 200-208, 2000
Analytical 1D dual-porosity equivalent solutions to 3D discrete single-continuum models. Application to karstic spring hydrograph modelling
F Cornaton, P Perrochet
Journal of Hydrology 262 (1-4), 165-176, 2002
VULK: a tool for intrinsic vulnerability assessment and validation
PY Jeannin, F Cornaton, F Zwahlen, P Perrochet
Proceedings 7ème colloque international d'hydrologie en pays calcaire et en …, 2001
From rainfall to spring discharge: Coupling conduit flow, subsurface matrix flow and surface flow in karst systems using a discrete–continuum model
R de Rooij, P Perrochet, W Graham
Advances in water resources 61, 29-41, 2013
Stability of the standard Crank‐Nicolson‐Galerkin Scheme applied to the diffusion‐convection equation: Some new insights
P Perrochet, D Bérod
Water Resources Research 29 (9), 3291-3297, 1993
A simple solution to tunnel or well discharge under constant drawdown
P Perrochet
Hydrogeology journal 13, 886-888, 2005
Water uptake by plant roots—A simulation model, I. Conceptual model
P Perrochet
Journal of hydrology 95 (1-2), 55-61, 1987
A perspective on the numerical solution of convection‐dominated transport problems: A price to pay for the easy way out
J Noorishad, CF Tsang, P Perrochet, A Musy
Water Resources Research 28 (2), 551-561, 1992
Confined flow into a tunnel during progressive drilling: an analytical solution
P Perrochet
Groundwater 43 (6), 943-946, 2005
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Articles 1–20