Benoit Fiorina
Benoit Fiorina
Ecole Centrale Paris, Centralesupelec
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Approximating the chemical structure of partially premixed and diffusion counterflow flames using FPI flamelet tabulation
B Fiorina, O Gicquel, L Vervisch, S Carpentier, N Darabiha
Combustion and flame 140 (3), 147-160, 2005
Modelling non-adiabatic partially premixed flames using flame-prolongation of ILDM
B Fiorina, R Baron, O Gicquel, D Thevenin, S Carpentier, N Darabiha
Combustion Theory and Modelling 7 (3), 449, 2003
A filtered tabulated chemistry model for LES of premixed combustion
B Fiorina, R Vicquelin, P Auzillon, N Darabiha, O Gicquel, D Veynante
Combustion and Flame 157 (3), 465-475, 2010
Effects of water vapor addition on the laminar burning velocity of oxygen-enriched methane flames
AN Mazas, B Fiorina, DA Lacoste, T Schuller
Combustion and Flame 158 (12), 2428-2440, 2011
Premixed turbulent combustion modeling using tabulated detailed chemistry and PDF
B Fiorina, O Gicquel, L Vervisch, S Carpentier, N Darabiha
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (1), 867-874, 2005
A level set formulation for premixed combustion LES considering the turbulent flame structure
V Moureau, B Fiorina, H Pitsch
Combustion and Flame 156 (4), 801-812, 2009
Modeling combustion chemistry in large eddy simulation of turbulent flames
B Fiorina, D Veynante, S Candel
Eighth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 2013
A tabulated chemistry method for spray combustion
B Franzelli, B Fiorina, N Darabiha
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1), 1659-1666, 2013
An artificial nonlinear diffusivity method for supersonic reacting flows with shocks
B Fiorina, SK Lele
Journal of Computational Physics 222 (1), 246-264, 2007
Challenging modeling strategies for LES of non-adiabatic turbulent stratified combustion
B Fiorina, R Mercier, G Kuenne, A Ketelheun, A Avdić, J Janicka, D Geyer, ...
Combustion and Flame 162 (11), 4264-4282, 2015
Modelling the impact of non-equilibrium discharges on reactive mixtures for simulations of plasma-assisted ignition in turbulent flows
M Castela, B Fiorina, A Coussement, O Gicquel, N Darabiha, CO Laux
Combustion and flame 166, 133-147, 2016
A 3-D DNS and experimental study of the effect of the recirculating flow pattern inside a reactive kernel produced by nanosecond plasma discharges in a methane-air mixture
M Castela, S Stepanyan, B Fiorina, A Coussement, O Gicquel, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (3), 4095-4103, 2017
Experimental and numerical investigation of the influence of thermal boundary conditions on premixed swirling flame stabilization
R Mercier, TF Guiberti, A Chatelier, D Durox, O Gicquel, N Darabiha, ...
Combustion and flame 171, 42-58, 2016
Tabulated chemistry approach for diluted combustion regimes with internal recirculation and heat losses
J Lamouroux, M Ihme, B Fiorina, O Gicquel
Combustion and flame 161 (8), 2120-2136, 2014
A filtered tabulated chemistry model for LES of stratified flames
P Auzillon, O Gicquel, N Darabiha, D Veynante, B Fiorina
Combustion and flame 159 (8), 2704-2717, 2012
Coupling tabulated chemistry with compressible CFD solvers
R Vicquelin, B Fiorina, S Payet, N Darabiha, O Gicquel
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1), 1481-1488, 2011
The influence of combustion SGS submodels on the resolved flame propagation. Application to the LES of the Cambridge stratified flames
R Mercier, T Schmitt, D Veynante, B Fiorina
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 1259-1267, 2015
Building-up virtual optimized mechanism for flame modeling
M Cailler, N Darabiha, D Veynante, B Fiorina
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (1), 1251-1258, 2017
Modeling chemical flame structure and combustion dynamics in LES
P Auzillon, B Fiorina, R Vicquelin, N Darabiha, O Gicquel, D Veynante
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1), 1331-1338, 2011
Les modeling of the impact of heat losses and differential diffusion on turbulent stratified flame propagation: Application to the tu darmstadt stratified flame
R Mercier, P Auzillon, V Moureau, N Darabiha, O Gicquel, D Veynante, ...
Flow, turbulence and combustion 93, 349-381, 2014
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Articles 1–20