Charles N Hayward
Charles N Hayward
Ethnography & Evaluation Research, University of Colorado Boulder
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Adolescent suicide risk screening in the emergency department
CA King, RM O’mara, CN Hayward, RM Cunningham
Academic Emergency Medicine 16 (11), 1234-1241, 2009
Facilitating instructor adoption of inquiry-based learning in college mathematics
CN Hayward, M Kogan, SL Laursen
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 2 …, 2016
Why work with undergraduate researchers? Differences in research advisors’ motivations and outcomes by career stage
CN Hayward, SL Laursen, H Thiry
CBE—Life Sciences Education 16 (1), ar13, 2017
Supporting instructional change in mathematics: Using social network analysis to understand online support processes following professional development workshops
CN Hayward, SL Laursen
International Journal of STEM Education 5, 1-19, 2018
Investigating the linkage between professional development and mathematics instructors’ use of teaching practices using the theory of planned behavior
T Archie, CN Hayward, S Yoshinobu, SL Laursen
Plos one 17 (4), e0267097, 2022
When seeing is believing: Generalizability and decision studies for observational data in evaluation and research on teaching
TJ Weston, CN Hayward, SL Laursen
American Journal of Evaluation 42 (3), 377-398, 2021
First results from a validation study of TAMI: Toolkit for Assessing Mathematics Instruction
C Hayward, T Weston, SL Laursen
21st Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education …, 2018
A broad doorway to the big tent: A four-strand model for discipline-based faculty development on inquiry-based learning
S Yoshinobu, MG Jones, CN Hayward, C Schumacher, SL Laursen
PRIMUS 33 (4), 329-354, 2023
What’s in a name? Framing struggles of a mathematics education reform community
Z Haberler, SL Laursen, CN Hayward
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 4 …, 2018
Measures of success: characterizing teaching and teaching change with segmented and holistic observation data
TJ Weston, SL Laursen, CN Hayward
International Journal of STEM Education 10 (1), 24, 2023
Collaborative research: Research, dissemination, and faculty development of inquiry-based learning (IBL) methods in the teaching and learning of mathematics, Cumulative …
CN Hayward, SL Laursen
Retrieved October 1, 2017, 2014
Investigating the linkage between professional development and mathematics instructors’ adoption of IBL teaching practices
T Archie, SL Laursen, CN Hayward, D Daly, S Yoshinobu
Karunakaran S. S. & Higgins A.(Eds.), 1-10, 2021
Helping instructors to adopt research-supported techniques: Lessons from IBL workshops
CN Hayward, SL Laursen
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate …, 2016
Collaborative Research: Supporting Pedagogical Innovation for a Generation of Transformation via Inquiry-Based Learning in Mathematics (SPIGOT), Cumulative Report: Workshops 1–4
C Hayward, S Laursen
CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, 2016
Evaluating professional development workshops quickly and effectively
C Hayward, S Laursen
17th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education …, 2014
Evaluation of the Undergraduate Research Programs of the Biological Sciences Initiative: Advisors’ Perspectives. Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research; 2013
CN Hayward, H Thiry, SL Laursen
Using latent profile analysis to assess teaching change
TJ Weston, S Laursen, CN Hayward
Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate …, 2023
The Cycle of Inquiry: Building Effective Evaluation Relationships to Support Continuous Improvement of Faculty Development Initiatives
CN Hayward, T Archie, D Daly, TJ Weston, SL Laursen
Pre-publication copy–May 25, 2021 A broad doorway to the big tent: A four-strand model for discipline-based faculty development on inquiry-based learning
S Yoshinobu, MG Jones, CN Hayward, C Schumacher, SL Laursen
Investigating the effectiveness of short-duration workshops on uptake of inquiry-based learning
T Archie, D Daly, SL Laursen, CN Hayward, S Yoshinobu
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Articles 1–20