B M Golam Kibria
Cited by
Cited by
Performance of some new ridge regression estimators
BMG Kibria
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 32 (2), 419-435, 2003
On some ridge regression estimators: An empirical comparisons
G Muniz, BMG Kibria
Communications in Statistics—Simulation and Computation® 38 (3), 621-630, 2009
Normal and student's t distributions and their applications
M Ahsanullah, BMG Kibria, M Shakil
Atlantis Press, 2014
Theory of ridge regression estimation with applications
AKME Saleh, M Arashi, BMG Kibria
John Wiley & Sons, 2019
A new ridge‐type estimator for the linear regression model: simulations and applications
BMG Kibria, AF Lukman
Scientifica 2020 (1), 9758378, 2020
Performance of some new preliminary test ridge regression estimators and their properties
AKM Ehsanes Saleh, BM Golam Kibria
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 22 (10), 2747-2764, 1993
On Liu estimators for the logit regression model
K Månsson, BMG Kibria, G Shukur
Economic Modelling 29 (4), 1483-1488, 2012
Some ridge regression estimators and their performances
BM Kibria, S Banik
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 2020
Performance of some logistic ridge regression estimators
BMG Kibria, K Månsson, G Shukur
Computational Economics 40, 401-414, 2012
Predictive modelling of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Nigeria
RO Ogundokun, AF Lukman, GBM Kibria, JB Awotunde, BB Aladeitan
Infectious Disease Modelling 5, 543-548, 2020
On developing ridge regression parameters: a graphical investigation
G Muniz, BM Kibria, G Shukur
Predicting losses of residential structures in the state of Florida by the public hurricane loss evaluation model
S Hamid, BMG Kibria, S Gulati, M Powell, B Annane, S Cocke, JP Pinelli, ...
Statistical methodology 7 (5), 552-573, 2010
A simulation study of some ridge regression estimators under different distributional assumptions
K Månsson, G Shukur, BM Golam Kibria
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 39 (8), 1639-1670, 2010
Bayesian spatial prediction of random space-time fields with application to mapping PM2. 5 exposure
BMG Kibria, L Sun, JV Zidek, ND Le
Journal of the American Statistical Association 97 (457), 112-124, 2002
On the Liu and almost unbiased Liu estimators in the presence of multicollinearity with heteroscedastic or correlated errors
MI Alheety, BMG Kibria
Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications 4, 155-167, 2009
A comparison of some confidence intervals for estimating the population coefficient of variation: a simulation study
M Gulhar, G Kibria, A Albatineh, NU Ahmed
Sort 36 (1), 2012
A new Poisson Liu regression estimator: method and application
M Qasim, BMG Kibria, K Månsson, P Sjölander
Journal of Applied Statistics 47 (12), 2258-2271, 2020
Normal distribution
M Ahsanullah, BMG Kibria, M Shakil, M Ahsanullah, BMG Kibria, M Shakil
Normal and student st distributions and their applications, 7-50, 2014
Preliminary test ridge regression estimators with student’s t errors and conflicting test-statistics
BMG Kibria, AKME Saleh
Metrika 59, 105-124, 2004
On some test statistics for testing homogeneity of variances: a comparative study
D Sharma, BMG Kibria
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 83 (10), 1944-1963, 2013
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Articles 1–20