Articles with public access mandates - Alexander KlippelLearn more
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Transforming earth science education through immersive experiences: Delivering on a long held promise
A Klippel, J Zhao, KL Jackson, P La Femina, C Stubbs, R Wetzel, J Blair, ...
Journal of Educational Computing Research 57 (7), 1745-1771, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
You‐are‐here maps in emergencies–the danger of getting lost
A Klippel, C Freksa, S Winter
Journal of spatial science 51 (1), 117-131, 2006
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Developing and evaluating vr field trips
D Oprean, JO Wallgrün, JM Pinto Duarte, D Verniz, J Zhao, A Klippel
Proceedings of Workshops and Posters at the 13th International Conference on …, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Wayfinding Choremes–Conceptual Modeling for Pictorial Route Directions
A Klippel, H Tappe, PU Lee
Proceedings of Eurocogsci 03, 408-408, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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Immersive virtual reality as an effective tool for second language vocabulary learning
J Legault, J Zhao, YA Chi, W Chen, A Klippel, P Li
Languages 4 (1), 13, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Learning in the field: Comparison of desktop, immersive virtual reality, and actual field trips for place-based STEM education
J Zhao, P LaFemina, J Carr, P Sajjadi, JO Wallgrün, A Klippel
2020 IEEE conference on virtual reality and 3D user interfaces (VR), 893-902, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
The value of being there: Toward a science of immersive virtual field trips
A Klippel, J Zhao, D Oprean, JO Wallgrün, C Stubbs, P La Femina, ...
Virtual Reality 24, 753-770, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Wayfinding behaviors in complex buildings: The impact of environmental legibility and familiarity
R Li, A Klippel
Environment and Behavior 48 (3), 482-510, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Linguistic and nonlinguistic turn direction concepts
A Klippel, DR Montello
International Conference on Spatial Information Theory, 354-372, 2007
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Walking through the forests of the future: using data-driven virtual reality to visualize forests under climate change
J Huang, MS Lucash, RM Scheller, A Klippel
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 35 (6), 1155-1178, 2021
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Desktop versus immersive virtual environments: effects on spatial learning
J Zhao, T Sensibaugh, B Bodenheimer, TP McNamara, A Nazareth, ...
Spatial Cognition & Computation 20 (4), 328-363, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Urban granularities—a data structure for cognitively ergonomic route directions
A Klippel, S Hansen, KF Richter, S Winter
GeoInformatica 13, 223-247, 2009
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Landmarks in OpenLS—a data structure for cognitive ergonomic route directions
S Hansen, KF Richter, A Klippel
Geographic Information Science: 4th International Conference, GIScience 2006 …, 2006
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Virtual reality for student learning: Understanding individual differences
P Li, J Legault, A Klippel, J Zhao
Human Behaviour and Brain 1 (1), 28-36, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Acquisition and transfer of spatial knowledge during wayfinding.
Q He, TP McNamara, B Bodenheimer, A Klippel
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 45 (8), 1364, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
A comparison of visual attention guiding approaches for 360 image-based vr tours
JO Wallgrün, MM Bagher, P Sajjadi, A Klippel
2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 83-91, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Harnessing the power of immersive virtual reality-visualization and analysis of 3D earth science data sets
J Zhao, JO Wallgrün, PC LaFemina, J Normandeau, A Klippel
Geo-spatial Information Science 22 (4), 237-250, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Scale-unexplored opportunities for immersive technologies in place-based learning
J Zhao, A Klippel
2019 IEEE Conference on virtual reality and 3d user interfaces (VR), 155-162, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Where are we now? Re-visiting the Digital Earth through human-centered virtual and augmented reality geovisualization environments
A Çöltekin, D Oprean, JO Wallgrün, A Klippel
International Journal of Digital Earth 12 (2), 119-122, 2019
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
Artificial intelligence and visual analytics in geographical space and cyberspace: Research opportunities and challenges
M Chen, C Claramunt, A Çöltekin, X Liu, P Peng, AC Robinson, D Wang, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 241, 104438, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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