Anna Lindholm
Anna Lindholm
Group Leader, University of Zurich
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Genomics and the origin of species
O Seehausen, RK Butlin, I Keller, CE Wagner, JW Boughman, ...
Nature Reviews Genetics 15 (3), 176-192, 2014
The ecology and evolutionary dynamics of meiotic drive
AK Lindholm, KA Dyer, RC Firman, L Fishman, W Forstmeier, L Holman, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 31 (4), 315-326, 2016
Sex chromosomes and sexual selection in poeciliid fishes
A Lindholm, F Breden
American naturalist 160 (S6), S214-S224, 2002
Invasion success and genetic diversity of introduced populations of guppies Poecilia reticulata in Australia
AK Lindholm, F Breden, HJ Alexander, WK CHAN, SG Thakurta, R Brooks
Molecular Ecology 14 (12), 3671-3682, 2005
Social flexibility and social evolution in mammals: a case study of the African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio)
C Schradin, AK Lindholm, JES Johannesen, I Schoepf, CH Yuen, B König, ...
Molecular Ecology 21 (3), 541-553, 2012
Environmental variation and the maintenance of polymorphism: the effect of ambient light spectrum on mating behaviour and sexual selection in guppies
S Gamble, AK Lindholm, JA Endler, R Brooks
Ecology Letters 6 (5), 463-472, 2003
Differences between populations of reed warblers in defences against brood parasitism
AK Lindholm, RJ Thomas
Behaviour 137 (1), 25-42, 2000
Effects of hatch date and food supply on gosling growth in arctic-nesting Greater Snow Geese
A Lindholm, G Gauthier, A Desrochers
Condor 96, 898-908, 1994
Where do all the maternal effects go? Variation in offspring body size through ontogeny in the live-bearing fish Poecilia parae
AK Lindholm, J Hunt, R Brooks
Biology letters 2 (4), 586-589, 2006
The advantages and evolution of a morphological novelty
CW Benkman, AK Lindholm
Nature 349 (6309), 519-520, 1991
The complex social environment of female house mice (Mus domesticus)
B König, A Lindholm
Evolution of the House Mouse, 114-134, 2012
Polyandry and the Decrease of a Selfish Genetic Element in a Wild House Mouse Population
A Manser, AK Lindholm, B König, HC Bagheri
Evolution 65 (9), 2435-2447, 2011
Opsin gene duplication and diversification in the guppy, a model for sexual selection
M Hoffmann, N Tripathi, SR Henz, AK Lindholm, D Weigel, F Breden, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1606), 33-42, 2007
Experimental evidence that high levels of inbreeding depress sperm competitiveness
SRK Zajitschek, AK Lindholm, JP Evans, RC Brooks
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (6), 1338-1345, 2009
A system for automatic recording of social behavior in a free-living wild house mouse population
B König, AK Lindholm, PC Lopes, A Dobay, S Steinert, FJU Buschmann
Animal Biotelemetry 3, 1-15, 2015
Extreme polymorphism in a Y-linked sexually selected trait
AK Lindholm, R Brooks, F Breden
Heredity 92 (3), 156-162, 2004
Operational sex ratio and density do not affect directional selection on male sexual ornaments and behavior
ML Head, AK Lindholm, R Brooks
Evolution 62 (1), 135-144, 2008
Brood parasitism by the cuckoo on patchy reed warbler populations in Britain
AK Lindholm
Journal of Animal Ecology 68 (2), 293-309, 1999
Direct selection on male attractiveness and female preference fails to produce a response
M Hall, AK Lindholm, R Brooks
BMC Evolutionary Biology 4, 1-10, 2004
Relative fitness of alternative male reproductive tactics in a mammal varies between years
C Schradin, AK Lindholm
Journal of Animal Ecology 80 (5), 908-917, 2011
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Articles 1–20