Abdullah Z. Turan
Abdullah Z. Turan
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Feasibility analysis of color removal from textile dyeing wastewater in a fixed-bed column system by surfactant-modified zeolite (SMZ)
O Ozdemir, M Turan, AZ Turan, A Faki, AB Engin
Journal of Hazardous Materials 166 (2-3), 647-654, 2009
Color removal from textile dyebath effluents in a zeolite fixed bed reactor: Determination of optimum process conditions using Taguchi method
AB Engin, Ö Özdemir, M Turan, AZ Turan
Journal of hazardous materials 159 (2-3), 348-353, 2008
Controlling the excess heat from oxy-combustion of coal by blending with biomass
H Haykiri-Acma, AZ Turan, S Yaman, S Kucukbayrak
Fuel Processing Technology 91 (11), 1569-1575, 2010
Analysis of fixed-bed column adsorption of reactive yellow 176 onto surfactant-modified zeolite
A Faki, M Turan, O Ozdemir, AZ Turan
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 47 (18), 6999-7004, 2008
Investigation of a novel & integrated simulation model for hydrogen production from lignocellulosic biomass
A Ersöz, Y DurakÇetin, A Sarıoğlan, AZ Turan, MS Mert, F Yüksel, ...
international journal of hydrogen energy 43 (2), 1081-1093, 2018
Development of calcium silicate–based catalytic filters for biomass fuel gas reforming
AZ Turan, Y Çetin, Ö Tuna, A Sarıoğlan
International Journal of Energy Research 43 (3), 1217-1231, 2019
The behaviour of Nafion® 424 membrane in the electrochemical production of lithium hydroxide
AZ Turan, H Baloglu, E Ünveren, AN Bulutcu
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 91 (9), 2529-2538, 2016
The performance of Nafion® 424 in the membrane electrolysis of borax solution
AZ Turan, İY Elbeyli, T Bahar, İE Kalafatoğlu
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 18 (3), 1102-1106, 2012
Performance of a flat-sheet submerged membrane bioreactor during long-term treatment of municipal wastewater
M Turan, O Ozdemir, AZ Turan, O Ozkan, H Bayhan, E Aykar
Desalination and Water Treatment 26 (1-3), 53-56, 2011
The electrochemical production of boric acid
İ Yakar Elbeyli, AZ Turan, İE Kalafatoğlu
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 90 (10), 1855-1860, 2015
Linyit biyokütle karışımlarının oksijen ortamında yakılması
AZ Turan
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009
Membrane electrolysis of borax pentahydrate (Na2B4O7. 5H2O)
AZ Turan, IY Elbeyli, İE Kalafatoğlu
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 159 (9), E149, 2012
Farklı İşletme Şartlarında Atıksu Arıtımında Membran Biyoreaktörlerin Kullanımının Değerlendirilmesi
M Turan, AZ Turan, A Cabiri
İTÜ 12. Endüstriyel Kirlenme Kontrolü Sempozyumu, 183-190, 0
Purification of boric acid with ion exchange process
IY ELBEYLI, A Baykan, AZ Turan, IE Kalafatoglu, M Bilen, E Tektas, ...
US Patent 11,760,648, 2023
Catalytic filter production for tar reduction in biomass gasification product gas
AZ Turan, A Sarıoğlan, YD Çetin, Ö Tuna, A Ersöz
13th European Catalysis Congress (EUROPACAT), Florence, 27-31August, 2017
The Prediction of Membrane Transport Numbers in the Salt Splitting of Lithium Sulfate
AZ Turan, E Ünveren, AN Bulutcu
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 163 (9), F969, 2016
Tıp okuryazarlığı ile ilgili yaklaşımlar
G Güneş, H Çolaklar, B Biçen Aras, A Turan
ÜNAK 2013 Konferansı Bilgi Sistemleri Platformlar Mimariler ve Teknolojiler …, 2016
Elektro-membran Tuz Ayriştirma Prosesi İle Lityum Hidroksit Üretimi
AZ Turan
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016
Modifiye Zeolit Kullanılan Sabit Yataklı Reaktörde Tekstil Atıksularından Renk Giderimi ve Modelleme
M Turan, Ö Özdemir, AZ Turan, A Fakı
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Articles 1–19