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Inversion channel diamond metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor with normally off characteristics
T Matsumoto, H Kato, K Oyama, T Makino, M Ogura, D Takeuchi, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 31585, 2016
Diamond and biology
CE Nebel, D Shin, B Rezek, N Tokuda, H Uetsuka, H Watanabe
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 4 (14), 439-461, 2007
Leakage current analysis of diamond Schottky barrier diode
H Umezawa, T Saito, N Tokuda, M Ogura, SG Ri, H Yoshikawa, S Shikata
Applied physics letters 90 (7), 2007
Perfect selective alignment of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
T Fukui, Y Doi, T Miyazaki, Y Miyamoto, H Kato, T Matsumoto, T Makino, ...
Applied Physics Express 7 (5), 055201, 2014
Electrochemical grafting of boron-doped single-crystalline chemical vapor deposition diamond with nitrophenyl molecules
H Uetsuka, D Shin, N Tokuda, K Saeki, CE Nebel
Langmuir 23 (6), 3466-3472, 2007
Diamond Schottky-pn diode with high forward current density and fast switching operation
T Makino, S Tanimoto, Y Hayashi, H Kato, N Tokuda, M Ogura, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (26), 2009
Diamond nano-wires, a new approach towards next generation electrochemical gene sensor platforms
CE Nebel, N Yang, H Uetsuka, E Osawa, N Tokuda, O Williams
Diamond and Related Materials 18 (5-8), 910-917, 2009
High performance of diamond p+-i-n+ junction diode fabricated using heavily doped p+ and n+ layers
K Oyama, SG Ri, H Kato, M Ogura, T Makino, D Takeuchi, N Tokuda, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (15), 2009
Selective growth of buried n+ diamond on (001) phosphorus-doped n-type diamond film
H Kato, T Makino, M Ogura, N Tokuda, H Okushi, S Yamasaki
Applied Physics Express 2 (5), 055502, 2009
Characterization of leakage current on diamond Schottky barrier diodes using thermionic-field emission modeling
H Umezawa, N Tokuda, M Ogura, SG Ri, S Shikata
Diamond and related materials 15 (11-12), 1949-1953, 2006
Low specific contact resistance of heavily phosphorus-doped diamond film
H Kato, H Umezawa, N Tokuda, D Takeuchi, H Okushi, S Yamasaki
Applied Physics Letters 93 (20), 2008
Anisotropic diamond etching through thermochemical reaction between Ni and diamond in high-temperature water vapour
M Nagai, K Nakanishi, H Takahashi, H Kato, T Makino, S Yamasaki, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 6687, 2018
Cycle of two-step etching process using ICP for diamond MEMS applications
T Yamada, H Yoshikawa, H Uetsuka, S Kumaragurubaran, N Tokuda, ...
Diamond and related materials 16 (4-7), 996-999, 2007
Atomistic mechanism of perfect alignment of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
T Miyazaki, Y Miyamoto, T Makino, H Kato, S Yamasaki, T Fukui, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (26), 2014
Formation of graphene-on-diamond structure by graphitization of atomically flat diamond (111) surface
N Tokuda, M Fukui, T Makino, D Takeuchi, S Yamsaki, T Inokuma
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52 (11R), 110121, 2013
Characterization of specific contact resistance on heavily phosphorus-doped diamond films
H Kato, D Takeuchi, N Tokuda, H Umezawa, H Okushi, S Yamasaki
Diamond and Related Materials 18 (5-8), 782-785, 2009
High-efficiency excitonic emission with deep-ultraviolet light from (001)-oriented diamond p–i–n junction
T Makino, N Tokuda, H Kato, M Ogura, H Watanabe, SG Ri, S Yamasaki, ...
Japanese journal of applied physics 45 (10L), L1042, 2006
Photo‐and electrochemical bonding of DNA to single crystalline CVD diamond
D Shin, B Rezek, N Tokuda, D Takeuchi, H Watanabe, T Nakamura, ...
physica status solidi (a) 203 (13), 3245-3272, 2006
Periodically arranged benzene-linker molecules on boron-doped single-crystalline diamond films for DNA sensing
D Shin, N Tokuda, B Rezek, CE Nebel
Electrochemistry Communications 8 (5), 844-850, 2006
Vertically aligned diamond nanowires: Fabrication, characterization, and application for DNA sensing
N Yang, H Uetsuka, OA Williams, E Osawa, N Tokuda, CE Nebel
physica status solidi (a) 206 (9), 2048-2056, 2009
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Articles 1–20