Yu Shi
Cited by
Cited by
Modelling diesel combustion
PA Lakshminarayanan, YV Aghav, Y Shi
Springer 53, 287, 2010
Computational optimization of internal combustion engines
Y Shi, HW Ge, RD Reitz
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Simulation of random packing of spherical particles with different size distributions
Y Shi, Y Zhang
Applied Physics-Section A-Materials Science and Processing 92 (3), 621-626, 2008
Optimization study of the effects of bowl geometry, spray targeting, and swirl ratio for a heavy-duty diesel engine operated at low and high load
Y Shi, RD Reitz
International Journal of Engine Research 9 (4), 325-346, 2008
Automatic chemistry mechanism reduction of hydrocarbon fuels for HCCI engines based on DRGEP and PCA methods with error control
Y Shi, HW Ge, JL Brakora, RD Reitz
Energy & Fuels 24 (3), 1646-1654, 2010
Assessment of optimization methodologies to study the effects of bowl geometry, spray targeting and swirl ratio for a heavy-duty diesel engine operated at high-load
Y Shi, RD Reitz
SAE International Journal of Engines 1 (1), 537-557, 2009
Acceleration of the chemistry solver for modeling DI engine combustion using dynamic adaptive chemistry (DAC) schemes
Y Shi, L Liang, HW Ge, RD Reitz
Combustion Theory and Modelling 14 (1), 69-89, 2010
Accelerating multi-dimensional combustion simulations using GPU and hybrid explicit/implicit ODE integration
Y Shi, WH Green, HW Wong, OO Oluwole
Combustion and Flame 159 (7), 2388-2397, 2012
Redesigning combustion modeling algorithms for the graphics processing unit (GPU): Chemical kinetic rate evaluation and ordinary differential equation integration
Y Shi, WH Green Jr, HW Wong, OO Oluwole
Combustion and Flame 158 (5), 836-847, 2011
Optimization of a HSDI diesel engine for passenger cars using a multi-objective genetic algorithm and multi-dimensional modeling
HW Ge, Y Shi, RD Reitz, DD Wickman, W Willems
SAE International Journal of Engines 2 (1), 691-713, 2009
A computational investigation of stepped-bowl piston geometry for a light duty engine operating at low load
JG Dolak, Y Shi, RD Reitz
SAE Technical Paper, 2010
An adaptive multi-grid chemistry (AMC) model for efficient simulation of HCCI and DI engine combustion
Y Shi, RP Hessel, RD Reitz
Combustion Theory and Modelling 13 (1), 83-104, 2009
Melting and resolidification of a subcooled metal powder particle subjected to nanosecond laser heating
C Konrad, Y Zhang, Y Shi
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 50 (11-12), 2236-2245, 2007
Engine development using multi-dimensional CFD and computer optimization
HW Ge, Y Shi, RD Reitz, D Wickman, W Willems
SAE Technical Paper, 2010
Heavy-duty diesel combustion optimization using multi-objective genetic algorithm and multi-dimensional modeling
HW Ge, Y Shi, RD Reitz, DD Wickman, G Zhu, H Zhang, Y Kalish
SAE Technical Paper, 2009
Assessment of multiobjective genetic algorithms with different niching strategies and regression methods for engine optimization and design
Y Shi, RD Reitz
Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power 132 (5), 052801, 2010
Efficient multidimensional simulation of HCCI and DI engine combustion with detailed chemistry
Y Shi, SL Kokjohn, HW Ge, RD Reitz
SAE Technical Paper, 2009
Optimization of a high-speed direct-injection diesel engine at low-load operation using computational fluid dynamics with detailed chemistry and a multi-objective genetic algorithm
HW Ge, Y Shi, RD Reitz, W Willems
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2010
Computational fluid dynamic modelling a heavy-duty compression-ignition engine fuelled with diesel and gasoline-like fuels
Y Shi, Y Wang, RD Reitz
International Journal of Engine Research 11 (5), 355-373, 2010
Assessment of multi-objective genetic algorithms with different niching strategies and regression methods for engine optimization and design
Y Shi, RD Reitz
Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference 43406, 487-496, 2009
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Articles 1–20