Ziming Yan
Ziming Yan
Aramco Americas
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Cited by
Autoignition characterization of methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol over a wide range of operating conditions in LTC/HCCI
B Gainey, Z Yan, B Lawler
Fuel 287, 119495, 2021
A parametric modeling study of thermal barrier coatings in low-temperature combustion engines
Z Yan, B Gainey, B Lawler
Applied Thermal Engineering 200, 117687, 2022
A split injection of wet ethanol to enable thermally stratified compression ignition
B Gainey, D Hariharan, Z Yan, S Zilg, M Rahimi Boldaji, B Lawler
International Journal of Engine Research 21 (8), 1441-1453, 2020
A comprehensive experimental investigation of low-temperature combustion with thick thermal barrier coatings
Z Yan, B Gainey, J Gohn, D Hariharan, J Saputo, C Schmidt, F Caliari, ...
Energy 222, 119954, 2021
TSCI with wet ethanol: an investigation of the effects of injection strategy on a diesel engine architecture
B Gainey, Z Yan, J Gohn, MR Boldaji, B Lawler
SAE Technical Paper, 2019
HCCI with wet ethanol: investigating the charge cooling effect of a high latent heat of vaporization fuel in LTC
B Gainey, J Gohn, Z Yan, K Malik, MR Boldaji, B Lawler
SAE Technical Paper, 2019
Methanol and wet ethanol as interchangeable fuels for internal combustion engines: LCA, TEA, and experimental comparison
B Gainey, Z Yan, J Gandolfo, B Lawler
Fuel 333, 126257, 2023
LTC performance of C1–C4 water-alcohol blends with the same cooling potential
B Gainey, P O'Donnell, Z Yan, S Moser, B Lawler
Fuel 293, 120480, 2021
High Load Compression Ignition of Wet Ethanol Using a Triple Injection Strategy
B Gainey, Z Yan, J Gandolfo, B Lawler
Energies 15 (10), 3507, 2022
The effects of thick thermal barrier coatings on low-temperature combustion
Z Yan, B Gainey, J Gohn, D Hariharan, J Saputo, C Schmidt, F Caliari, ...
SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility 2 …, 2020
Tailoring thermal stratification to enable high load low temperature combustion with wet ethanol on a gasoline engine architecture
B Gainey, Z Yan, S Moser, E Vorwerk, B Lawler
International Journal of Engine Research 22 (8), 2548-2559, 2021
Single-fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition through catalytic partial oxidation reformation of diesel fuel
D Hariharan, MR Boldaji, Z Yan, S Mamalis, B Lawler
Fuel 264, 116815, 2020
Experimental study of the effect of start of injection and blend ratio on single fuel reformate RCCI
D Hariharan, B Gainey, Z Yan, S Mamalis, B Lawler
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 142 (8), 081010, 2020
A numerical evaluation and guideline for thermal barrier coatings on gasoline compression ignition engines
Z Yan, A Levi, Y Zhang, M Sellnau, Z Filipi, B Lawler
International Journal of Engine Research 24 (5), 2206-2222, 2023
Mixing controlled compression ignition with methanol: An experimental study of injection and EGR strategy
B Gainey, J Gandolfo, Z Yan, B Lawler
International Journal of Engine Research 24 (5), 1961-1972, 2023
Lean flammability limit of high-dilution spark ignition with ethanol, propanol, and butanol
B Gainey, Z Yan, S Moser, B Lawler
International Journal of Engine Research 23 (4), 638-648, 2022
Assessment of design and location of an active prechamber igniter to enable mixing-controlled combustion of ethanol in heavy-duty engines
J Zeman, Z Yan, M Bunce, A Dempsey
International Journal of Engine Research 24 (9), 4226-4250, 2023
On the effects of injection strategy, EGR, and intake boost on TSCI with wet ethanol
B Gainey, Z Yan, M Rahimi-Boldaji, B Lawler
Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference 59346, V001T03A006, 2019
Low thermal inertia thermal barrier coatings for spark ignition engines: An experimental study
J Gandolfo, B Gainey, Z Yan, C Jiang, R Kumar, EH Jordan, Z Filipi, ...
International Journal of Engine Research 24 (7), 3297-3313, 2023
Exploring the effects of piston bowl geometry and injector included angle on dual-fuel and single-fuel RCCI
D Hariharan, M Rahimi Boldaji, Z Yan, B Gainey, B Lawler
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143 (11), 111013, 2021
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Articles 1–20