Dyan Flores
Dyan Flores
The Ottawa Hospital
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Cited by
Adult acquired flatfoot deformity: anatomy, biomechanics, staging, and imaging findings
DV Flores, C Mejía Gómez, M Fernández Hernando, MA Davis, ...
Radiographics 39 (5), 1437-1460, 2019
MR imaging of muscle trauma: anatomy, biomechanics, pathophysiology, and imaging appearance
DV Flores, C Mejía Gómez, M Estrada-Castrillón, E Smitaman, MN Pathria
Radiographics 38 (1), 124-148, 2018
Imaging of the acromioclavicular joint: anatomy, function, pathologic features, and treatment
DV Flores, PK Goes, CM Gómez, DF Umpire, MN Pathria
Radiographics 40 (5), 1355-1382, 2020
MR imaging of atraumatic muscle disorders
E Smitaman, DV Flores, C Mejía Gómez, MN Pathria
Radiographics 38 (2), 500-522, 2018
Layered approach to the anterior knee: normal anatomy and disorders associated with anterior knee pain
DV Flores, C Mejía Gómez, MN Pathria
Radiographics 38 (7), 2069-2101, 2018
Segond fracture: an MR evaluation of 146 patients with emphasis on the avulsed bone fragment and what attaches to it
DV Flores, E Smitaman, BK Huang, DL Resnick
Skeletal radiology 45, 1635-1647, 2016
Imaging review of normal and abnormal skeletal maturation
ACL Augusto, PCK Goes, DV Flores, MAF Costa, MS Takahashi, ...
Radiographics 42 (3), 861-879, 2022
Distal radioulnar joint: normal anatomy, imaging of common disorders, and injury classification
DV Flores, DF Umpire, KS Rakhra, Z Jibri, GAS Belmar
Radiographics 43 (1), e220109, 2022
Imaging review of snowboard injuries
C Bohyn, DV Flores, T Murray, B Mohr, M Cresswell
Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology 26 (01), 054-068, 2022
High-resolution ultrasound in the evaluation of the adult hip
L Probyn, D Flores, E Rowbotham, M Cresswell, A Atinga
Journal of Ultrasonography 23 (95), e223, 2023
Diagnostic and interventional US of the wrist and hand: Quadrant-based approach
DV Flores, T Murray, JA Jacobson
Radiographics 43 (8), e230046, 2023
Carpal instability: anatomy, kinematics, imaging, and classification
DV Flores, DF Umpire, C Mejía Gómez, T Saad, L Cerezal, MN Pathria
RadioGraphics 41 (5), E155-E156, 2021
Hip capsulolabral complex: anatomy, disease, MRI features, and postoperative appearance
DV Flores, RCB Foster, ML Sampaio, KS Rakhra
Radiographics 44 (2), e230144, 2024
Ultrasound-guided injection and aspiration of small joints: Techniques, pearls, and pitfalls
DV Flores, ML Sampaio, A Agarwal
Skeletal Radiology 53 (2), 195-208, 2024
Dynamic US of musculoskeletal disorders: a pictorial review with emphasis on techniques
DV Flores, C Bohyn, TÉ Murray, DT Murphy, M Cresswell
Radiographics 43 (8), e220130, 2023
Ultrasound assessment of the posterolateral elbow ulnohumeral gap in normal subjects with and without posterolateral drawer testing
A Chavda, N Robertson, C McNabney, D Flores, K Murphy, YJ Berkowitz, ...
JSES international 7 (2), 342-347, 2023
US and MRI of pelvic tendon anatomy and pathologic conditions
DV Flores, DF Umpire, ML Sampaio, ME Cresswell, MN Pathria
RadioGraphics 42 (5), 1433-1456, 2022
Shoulder and elbow injuries in adult overhead throwers: imaging review
PK Goes, DV Flores, A Damer, BK Huang
Radiographics 43 (12), e230094, 2023
Imaging review of alpine ski injuries
DV Flores, TÉ Murray, C Bohyn, B Mohr, M Cresswell
Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology 26 (01), 041-053, 2022
The Heel Complex: Anatomy, Imaging, Pathologic Conditions, and Treatment
DV Flores, PK Goes, A Damer, BK Huang
RadioGraphics 44 (4), e230163, 2024
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Articles 1–20