Qizhang Luo
Cited by
Cited by
A benchmark-suite of real-world constrained multi-objective optimization problems and some baseline results
A Kumar, G Wu, MZ Ali, Q Luo, R Mallipeddi, PN Suganthan, S Das
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 67, 100961, 2021
Performance assessment and exhaustive listing of 500+ nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms
Z Ma, G Wu, PN Suganthan, A Song, Q Luo
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 77, 101248, 2023
Interactive risk analysis on crash injury severity at a mountainous freeway with tunnel groups in China
H Huang, Y Peng, J Wang, Q Luo, X Li
Accident Analysis & Prevention 111, 56-62, 2018
Collaborative truck-drone routing for contactless parcel delivery during the epidemic
G Wu, N Mao, Q Luo, B Xu, J Shi, PN Suganthan
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (12), 25077-25091, 2022
Hybrid multi-objective optimization approach with pareto local search for collaborative truck-drone routing problems considering flexible time windows
Q Luo, G Wu, B Ji, L Wang, PN Suganthan
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (8), 13011-13025, 2021
Ensemble of metaheuristic and exact algorithm based on the divide-and-conquer framework for multisatellite observation scheduling
G Wu, Q Luo, X Du, Y Chen, PN Suganthan, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 58 (5), 4396-4408, 2022
Task scheduling method for data relay satellite network considering breakpoint transmission
X Chen, X Li, X Wang, Q Luo, G Wu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (1), 844-857, 2020
Flexible task scheduling in data relay satellite networks
G Wu, Q Luo, Y Zhu, X Chen, Y Feng, W Pedrycz
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 58 (2), 1055-1068, 2021
Logistics in the sky: A two-phase optimization approach for the drone package pickup and delivery system
F Hong, G Wu, Q Luo, H Liu, X Fang, W Pedrycz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (9), 9175-9190, 2023
A novel scattered storage policy considering commodity classification and correlation in robotic mobile fulfillment systems
Z Ma, G Wu, B Ji, L Wang, Q Luo, X Chen
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 20 (2), 1020-1033, 2022
Multi-objective optimization algorithm with adaptive resource allocation for truck-drone collaborative delivery and pick-up services
Q Luo, G Wu, A Trivedi, F Hong, L Wang, D Srinivasan
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (9), 9642-9657, 2023
A GV-drone arc routing approach for urban traffic patrol by coordinating a ground vehicle and multiple drones
B Xu, K Zhao, Q Luo, G Wu, W Pedrycz
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 77, 101246, 2023
Space division and adaptive selection strategy based differential evolution algorithm for multi-objective satellite range scheduling problem
T Wang, Q Luo, L Zhou, G Wu
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 83, 101396, 2023
A practical structural health monitoring system for high-speed train car-body
J Wang, T Wang, Q Luo
IEEE Access 7, 168316-168326, 2019
Orbital maneuver optimization of earth observation satellites using an adaptive differential evolution algorithm
Q Luo, W Peng, G Wu, Y Xiao
Remote Sensing 14 (9), 1966, 2022
黄合来, 罗启章, 彭韵颖, 王杰, 李祥, 张弛
中南大学学报: 自然科学版 49 (8), 2107-2114, 2018
Performance assessment and exhaustive listing of 500+ nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms. Swarm Evol Comput 77: 101248
Z Ma, G Wu, PN Suganthan, A Song, Q Luo
A benchmark-suite of real-world constrained multiobjective optimization problems and some baseline results. Swarm Evol Comput 67: 100961
A Kumar, G Wu, MZ Ali, Q Luo, R Mallipeddi, PN Suganthan, S Das
Performance assessment and exhaustive listing of 500+ nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms, Swarm Evol
Z Ma, G Wu, PN Suganthan, A Song, Q Luo
Comput 77, 101248, 2023
Towards prognostic and health management of train wheels in the Chinese railway industry
R Shen, T Wang, Q Luo
IEEE Access 7, 115292-115303, 2019
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