Danung Nur Adli
Cited by
Cited by
Consumer acceptance of alternative proteins: A systematic review of current alternative protein sources and interventions adapted to increase their acceptability
SA Siddiqui, T Alvi, A Sameen, S Khan, AV Blinov, AA Nagdalian, ...
Sustainability 14 (22), 15370, 2022
The effects of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts as probiotics on the growth performance, relative organ weight, blood parameters, and immune responses of broiler: A meta-analysis
O Sjofjan, DN Adli, RP Harahap, A Jayanegara, DT Utama, AP Seruni
F1000Research 10, 2021
The effects of probiotics on the performance, egg quality and blood parameters of laying hens: A meta-analysis
O Sjofjan, DN Adli, MM Sholikin, A Jayanegara, A Irawan
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 30 (1), 11-18, 2021
Pengaruh kombinasi tepung kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val.) dan probiotik terhadap penampilan usus ayam pedaging
O Sjofjan, DN Adli, MH Natsir, A Kusumaningtyaswati
Jurnal Nutrisi Ternak Tropis dan Ilmu Pakan 2 (1), 19-24, 2020
The effect of replacing fish meal with fermented sago larvae (FSL) on broiler performance
O Sjofjan, DN Adli
Development 33 (2), 2021
The effect of replacing maize with fermented palm kernel meal (FPKM) on broiler performance
DN Adli, O Sjofjan, MH Natsir, YF Nuningtyas, N Sholikah, AC Marbun
Livestock Research for Rural Development, 2020
The effect of replacing fish meal with Sago larvae meal (SLM) on egg production and quality of laying hens
DN Adli
Livestock Research for Rural Development 33 (7), 1-8, 2021
The effect of increasing levels of palm kernel meal containing α-β-mannanase replacing maize to growing-finishing hybrid duck on growth performance, nutrient digestibility …
O Sjofjan, DN Adli, MH Natsir, YF Nuningtyas, I Bastomi, FR Amalia
Effect of dietary modified-banana-tuber meal substituting dietary corn on growth performance, carcass trait and dietary-nutrients digestibility of coloured-feather hybrid duck
O Sjofjan, DN Adli, MH Natsir, YF Nuningtyas, TS Wardani, ...
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 26 (1), 39-48, 2021
Peningkatan kualitas dan persentase karkas ayam pedaging dengan subtitusi bungkil kedelai menggunakan tepung biji asam (Tamarindus indica L) fermentasi
I Widiyawati, O Sjofjan, DN Adli
Jurnal Nutrisi Ternak Tropis 3 (1), 35-40, 2020
Effects of fibre-rich ingredient levels on goose growth performance, blood profile, foie gras quality and its fatty acid profile: A meta-analysis
DN Adli, O Sjofjan, A Irawan, DT Utama, MM Sholikin, RR Nurdianti, ...
J. Anim. Feed Sci 31 (4), 301-309, 2022
The effects of lactic acid bacteria and yeast as probiotics on the performance, blood parameters, nutrient digestibility, and carcase quality of rabbits: a meta-analysis
DN Adli, O Sjofjan, MM Sholikin, C Hidayat, DT Utama, A Jayanegara, ...
Italian Journal of Animal Science 22 (1), 157-168, 2023
Effect of dietary of supplementation mannan-riched fraction (mrf) and probiotic-enhanced liquid acidifier on the growth performance, serum blood biochemistry, and intestinal …
O Sjofjan, DN Adli
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 478 (1), 012066, 2020
Phytochemicals and bioactive constituents in food packaging: A systematic review
SA Siddiqui, S Khan, M Mehdizadeh, NA Bahmid, DN Adli, TR Walker, ...
Heliyon, 2023
Utilization of biogas liquid waste for starter in the fermentation of rice husk as a potential feed for poultry
O Sjofjan, DN Adli, I Djunaidi, K Kuncoro
Animal Production 22 (1), 24-30, 2020
Effect of symbiotic flour (Lactobacillus sp. and fos) to the egg quality and performance of laying hens
O Sjofjan, MH Natsir, DN Adli, DD Adelina, LM Triana
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 465 (1), 012033, 2020
Nutrient content evaluation of dried poultry waste urea-molasses block (dpw-umb) on proximate analysis
DN Adli, O Sjofjan, M Mashudi
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan 28 (1), 84-89, 2018
Uses insects in poultry feed as replacement soya bean meal and fish meal in development countries: a systematic review
DN Adli
Livestock Research for Rural Development 33 (10), 1-4, 2021
Effects of combinations of α-Lactobacillus sp. and Curcuma longa flour on production, egg quality, and intestinal profile of Mojosari ducks
W Ardiansyah, O Sjofjan, E Widodo, S Suyadi, DN Adli
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci 10 (8), 1668-1677, 2022
A meta-analysis of the effects of clay mineral supplementation on alkaline phosphatase, broiler health, and performance
MM Sholikin, A Irawan, A Sofyan, A Jayanegara, B Rumhayati, C Hidayat, ...
Poultry Science 102 (3), 102456, 2023
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Articles 1–20