Dr. Trailokya Saud
Dr. Trailokya Saud
National Aerosol Facility, IIT Kanpur
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Emissions estimates of PAH from biomass fuels used in rural sector of Indo-Gangetic Plains of India
DP Singh, R Gadi, TK Mandal, T Saud, M Saxena, SK Sharma
Atmospheric Environment 68, 120-126, 2013
Variation of OC, EC, WSIC and trace metals of PM10 in Delhi, India
SK Sharma, TK Mandal, M Saxena, A Sharma, A Datta, T Saud
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 113, 10-22, 2014
Emission estimates of organic and elemental carbon from household biomass fuel used over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India
T Saud, R Gautam, TK Mandal, R Gadi, DP Singh, SK Sharma, M Dahiya, ...
Atmospheric Environment 61, 212-220, 2012
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of bulk aerosols over India and northern Indian Ocean
R Agnihotri, TK Mandal, SG Karapurkar, M Naja, R Gadi, YN Ahammmed, ...
Atmospheric Environment 45 (17), 2828-2835, 2011
Study of temporal variation in ambient air quality during Diwali festival in India
DP Singh, R Gadi, TK Mandal, CK Dixit, K Singh, T Saud, N Singh, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 169, 1-13, 2010
Seasonal variability of ambient NH3, NO, NO2 and SO2 over Delhi
SK Sharma, A Datta, T Saud, M Saxena, TK Mandal, YN Ahammed, ...
Journal of Environmental Sciences 22 (7), 1023-1028, 2010
Emission estimates of particulate matter (PM) and trace gases (SO2, NO and NO2) from biomass fuels used in rural sector of Indo-Gangetic Plain, India
T Saud, TK Mandal, R Gadi, DP Singh, SK Sharma, M Saxena, ...
Atmospheric Environment 45 (32), 5913-5923, 2011
Variation of ambient SO2 over Delhi
A Datta, T Saud, A Goel, S Tiwari, SK Sharma, M Saxena, TK Mandal
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 65, 127-143, 2010
Spatial variation of chemical constituents from the burning of commonly used biomass fuels in rural areas of the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India
T Saud, M Saxena, DP Singh, M Dahiya, SK Sharma, A Datta, R Gadi, ...
Atmospheric Environment 71, 158-169, 2013
Study on concentration of ambient NH 3 and interactions with some other ambient trace gases
SK Sharma, A Datta, T Saud, TK Mandal, YN Ahammed, BC Arya, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 162, 225-235, 2010
Chemical properties of emission from biomass fuels used in the rural sector of the western region of India
A Sen, TK Mandal, SK Sharma, M Saxena, NC Gupta, R Gautam, A Gupta, ...
Atmospheric Environment 99, 411-424, 2014
High seasonal variation of atmospheric C and particle concentrations in Delhi, India
P Mandal, T Saud, R Sarkar, A Mandal, SK Sharma, TK Mandal, ...
Environmental chemistry letters 12, 225-230, 2014
Spatial distribution of biomass consumption as energy in rural areas of the Indo-Gangetic plain
T Saud, DP Singh, TK Mandal, R Gadi, H Pathak, M Saxena, SK Sharma, ...
biomass and bioenergy 35 (2), 932-941, 2011
Study on water-soluble ionic composition of PM10 and related trace gases over Bay of Bengal during W_ICARB campaign
SK Sharma, AK Singh, T Saud, TK Mandal, M Saxena, S Singh, SK Ghosh, ...
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 118, 37-51, 2012
Effects of the solar eclipse on 15 January 2010 on the surface O3, NO, NO2, NH3, CO mixing ratio and the meteorological parameters at Thiruvanathapuram, India
SK Sharma, TK Mandal, BC Arya, M Saxena, DK Shukla, A Mukherjee, ...
Annales geophysicae 28 (6), 1199-1205, 2010
Seasonal variation and sources of aerosol pollution in Delhi, India
P Mandal, R Sarkar, A Mandal, T Saud
Environmental chemistry letters 12, 529-534, 2014
A satellite-based 13-year climatology of net cloud radiative forcing over the Indian monsoon region
T Saud, S Dey, S Das, S Dutta
Atmospheric Research 182, 76-86, 2016
Emission estimates of particulate PAHs from biomass fuels used in Delhi, India
R Gadi, DP Singh, T Saud, TK Mandal, M Saxena
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 18 (4), 871-887, 2012
Study on particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons over Bay of Bengal in winter season
M Saxena, DP Singh, T Saud, R Gadi, S Singh, SK Sharma, TK Mandal
Atmospheric research 145, 205-213, 2014
Measurement of NH3, NO, NO2 and related particulates at urban sites of Indo Gangetic Plain (IGP) of India
SK Sharma, M Saxena, T Saud, S Korpole, TK Mandal
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2012
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Articles 1–20