Patricia Ebright
Patricia Ebright
Associate Professor Indiana University
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Understanding the complexity of registered nurse work in acute care settings
PR Ebright, ES Patterson, BA Chalko, ML Render
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 33 (12), 630-638, 2003
Themes surrounding novice nurse near-miss and adverse-event situations
PR Ebright, L Urden, E Patterson, B Chalko
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 34 (11), 531-538, 2004
Clinical education in nursing: Rethinking learning in practice settings
PM Ironside, AM McNelis, P Ebright
Nursing Outlook 62 (3), 185-191, 2014
Understanding nurse manager stress and work complexity: factors that make a difference
MR Shirey, AM McDaniel, PR Ebright, ML Fisher, BN Doebbeling
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 40 (2), 82-91, 2010
Barriers and facilitators to nursing handoffs: Recommendations for redesign
CA Welsh, ME Flanagan, P Ebright
Nursing outlook 58 (3), 148-154, 2010
Exploring the persistence of paper with the electronic health record
JJ Saleem, AL Russ, CF Justice, H Hagg, PR Ebright, PA Woodbridge, ...
International journal of medical informatics 78 (9), 618-628, 2009
Understanding hope and factors that enhance hope in women with breast cancer.
PR Ebright, B Lyon
Oncology nursing forum 29 (3), 2002
Sleepless in America: nurse managers cope with stress and complexity
MR Shirey, PR Ebright, AM McDaniel
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 38 (3), 125-131, 2008
The complex work of RNs: Implications for healthy work environments
PR Ebright
Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 15 (1), 2010
Understanding situation awareness in nursing work: A hybrid concept analysis
MC Sitterding, ME Broome, LQ Everett, P Ebright
Advances in Nursing Science 35 (1), 77-92, 2012
Nurse manager cognitive decision‐making amidst stress and work complexity
MR Shirey, PR Ebright, AM McDANIEL
Journal of Nursing Management 21 (1), 17-30, 2013
Nurse manager behaviors that RN s perceive to affect their job satisfaction
RA Feather, P Ebright, T Bakas
Nursing forum 50 (2), 125-136, 2015
Investigating stacking: How do registered nurses prioritize their activities in real-time?
ES Patterson, PR Ebright, JJ Saleem
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 41 (4), 389-393, 2011
Context, culture and (non-verbal) communication affect handover quality
RM Frankel, M Flanagan, P Ebright, A Bergman, CM O'Brien, Z Franks, ...
BMJ quality & safety 21 (Suppl 1), i121-i128, 2012
Nurses' experiences with errors in nursing
AR Koehn, PR Ebright, CB Draucker
Nursing outlook 64 (6), 566-574, 2016
Situation awareness and interruption handling during medication administration
MC Sitterding, P Ebright, M Broome, ES Patterson, S Wuchner
Western Journal of Nursing Research 36 (7), 891-916, 2014
Outcomes of adding patient and family engagement education to fall prevention bundled interventions
AG Opsahl, P Ebright, M Cangany, M Lowder, D Scott, T Shaner
Journal of nursing care quality 32 (3), 252-258, 2017
Learning nursing practice: A multisite, multimethod investigation of clinical education
AM McNelis, PM Ironside, PR Ebright, KT Dreifuerst, SE Zvonar, ...
Journal of Nursing Regulation 4 (4), 30-35, 2014
Mindful attention to complexity: Implications for teaching and learning patient safety in nursing
P Ebright, W Kooken, R Moody, M Al-Ishaq
New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, 2006
“Anybody on this list that you're more worried about?” Qualitative analysis exploring the functions of questions during end of shift handoffs
CM O'Brien, ME Flanagan, AA Bergman, PR Ebright, RM Frankel
BMJ quality & safety 25 (2), 76-83, 2016
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