Dave Rudders
Dave Rudders
Other namesD Rudders, DB Rudders, David Rudders
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
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Cited by
A generalized model for longitudinal short-and long-term mortality data for commercial fishery discards and recreational fishery catch-and-releases
HP Benoît, CW Capizzano, RJ Knotek, DB Rudders, JA Sulikowski, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (6), 1834-1847, 2015
The survival of rajids discarded in the New England scallop dredge fisheries
RJ Knotek, DB Rudders, JW Mandelman, HP Benoît, JA Sulikowski
Fisheries Research 198, 50-62, 2018
Population and reproductive biology of the channeled whelk, Busycotypus canaliculatus, in the US mid-Atlantic
RA Fisher, DB Rudders
Journal of Shellfish Research 36 (2), 427-444, 2017
Spillover of sea scallops from rotational closures in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (United States)
DR Hart, DM Munroe, JC Caracappa, D Haidvogel, BV Shank, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (5), 1992-2002, 2020
Evaluating the condition and discard mortality of winter skate, Leucoraja ocellata, following capture and handling in the Atlantic monkfish (Lophius americanus) sink gillnet …
JA Sulikowski, HP Benoît, CW Capizzano, RJ Knotek, JW Mandelman, ...
Fisheries Research 198, 159-164, 2018
Spatial variation in life history characteristics of waved whelk (Buccinum undatum L.) on the US Mid-Atlantic continental shelf
S Borsetti, D Munroe, DB Rudders, C Dobson, EA Bochenek
Fisheries research 198, 129-137, 2018
Indication of density-dependent changes in growth and maturity of the barndoor skate on Georges Bank
K Coutré, T Gedamke, DB Rudders, WB Driggers III, DM Koester, ...
Marine and Coastal Fisheries 5 (1), 260-269, 2013
Spatiotemporal patterns of flatfish bycatch in two scallop access areas on Georges Bank
M Winton, C Huntsberger, D Rudders, G DeCelles, K Thompson, ...
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 49, 23-37, 2017
A comparison of size selectivity and relative efficiency of sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791), trawls and dredges
D Rudders, WD DuPaul, JE Kirkley
Journal of Shellfish Research 19 (2), 757, 2000
Selectivity of two commercial dredges fished in the Northwest Atlantic sea scallop fishery
SA Roman, DB Rudders
Journal of Shellfish Research 38 (3), 573-580, 2019
Timing of the reproductive cycle of waved whelk, Buccinum undatum, on the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight
S Borsetti, D Munroe, D Rudders, JH Chang
Helgoland Marine Research 74, 1-14, 2020
The development of a low cost refrigerated flow-through seawater system for at-sea estimation of post-release mortality
RJ Knotek, SM Gill, DB Rudders, JW Mandelman, HP Benoît, ...
Fisheries Research 170, 152-157, 2015
Industry trials of a modified sea scallop dredge to minimize the catch of sea turtles
WD DuPaul, DB Rudders, RJ Smolowitz
Age structure and growth rate in the sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus
R Mann, D Rudders
The effect of capture and handling stress in Lophius americanus in the scallop dredge fishery
AM Weissman, JW Mandelman, DB Rudders, JA Sulikowski
Conservation Physiology 6 (1), coy058, 2018
A global review of catch efficiencies of towed fishing gears targeting scallops
AJ Delargy, L Blackadder, I Bloor, C McMinn, DB Rudders, CL Szostek, ...
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 31 (3), 296-319, 2023
Turtle-Scallop Dredge Interaction Study
RJ Smolowitz, C Harnish, D Rudders
Project Report. Coonamessett Farm, Falmouth, MA, 2005
Own-price elasticity of open access supply as a long-run measure of fish stock abundance
DB Rudders, JM Ward
Marine Policy 53, 215-226, 2015
Discard Reduction Concerning Selectivity and Overall Gear design in the Black Sea Bass, Centropristis s (fiata, Trap Fishery
RA Fisher, D Rudders, J Dawson
Determining discard mortality of monkfish in a sea scallop dredge fishery
A Weissman, R Knotek, J Mandelman, D Rudders, S Roman, J Sulikowski
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41 (3), 856-870, 2021
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Articles 1–20